Error converting data type nvarchar to float

  • Hi I am testing one stored procedure.

    I have this Test_table :

    id int

    name varchar

    data float

    I would like to update all records by condidtion:

    Update Test_table set data = '27.55' where name = 'Peter'

    When I tested it and appiers error with converting nvarchar to float .

    Could you help me please.


  • Hi, can you post the stored procedure code?

  • ALTER Procedure dbo.UPdata


    @e_Nplan char(20),

    @e_Ncas char(20)



    DECLARE @Nplan as char(20)

    DECLARE @Ncas as float(2)

    SET @Nplan = @e_Nplan

    SET @Ncas = CONVERT(float(2) , @e_Ncas)

    Update Cis_OP_NO SET N_Cas100ks = @Ncas where N_Kplan =@Nplan


  • Ok you need to make some var changes.

    You are using a CHar(20) which has a set lenght and SQL is struggling to convert that.

    Have you tried changed @e_Ncas to a Float in the Procedure declaration?

    I can't see any reason why it is a char to begin with...



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  • peter478 (5/19/2009)

    ALTER Procedure dbo.UPdata


    @e_Nplan char(20),

    @e_Ncas char(20)



    DECLARE @Nplan as char(20)

    DECLARE @Ncas as float(2)

    SET @Nplan = @e_Nplan

    SET @Ncas = CONVERT(float(2) , @e_Ncas)

    Update Cis_OP_NO SET N_Cas100ks = @Ncas where N_Kplan =@Nplan


    To much typing.

    Keep it short, do only what needs to be done.

    ALTER Procedure dbo.UPdata

    @e_Nplan char(20),

    @e_Ncas char(20)


    Update Cis_OP_NO

    SET N_Cas100ks = @e_Nplan -- I don't see any point of passing a char(20) value from one var to another char(20) one

    where N_Kplan = CONVERT(float(2) , LTRIM(RTRIM(@Nplan))) -- extra spaces in char variables may cause conversion to fail


    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Hi Chris,

    The reason, why I need to use type Char is that MS access doesnt work with Type float.For that reason I use Char.My entry for @e_Ncas is a number with comma. ( e.g. 15,79)

    Of course when I change it to float it works but It doesnt solve my problem.

    I only need to know how to convert char to float under SQL.Thats all.

    Thank you


  • converting a char to a float will only work if the char string is in fact a valid number.

    declare @string1 char(20), @string2 float

    set @string1 = '15,76' -- THIS WILL FAIL

    --set @string1 = '15.76' -- THIS WILL WORK

    print @string1

    set @string2 = convert(float,@string1)

    print @string2

  • Hi Sergiy,

    I have just tested your code but the same error message appiers.

    When I use whole number e.g. 15 there is not problem, but if I use e.g. 15,28

    appiers error message.

    ALTER Procedure dbo.UpdateTB

    @e_Nplan char(20), /* e.g. 112e */

    @e_Ncas char(20) /* e.g. 15,28 */


    Update Cis_OP_NO

    SET N_Cas100ks = CONVERT(float(2) , LTRIM(RTRIM(@e_Ncas)))

    Where N_Kplan = @e_Nplan



  • Thank you John ,

    now it works .... so I will have to modify my source code to substitute " , " to " . "

  • I was just gonna ask if your numbers were always formatted like '15,28' with commas then you could use

    declare @string1 char(20), @string2 float

    set @string1 = '152,23'

    print @string1

    set @string2 = convert(float,replace(@string1,',','.'))

    print @string2

  • Yes John, this is it, what I was looking for 🙂

    Thank you very much for your help!


  • Hi ,

    one more thing:

    ALTER Procedure dbo.UPdata


    @e_Nplan char(20),

    @e_Ncas char(20)



    Update Cis_OP_NO

    SET N_Cas100ks = convert(float,replace(@e_Ncas,',','.'))

    Where N_Kplan = @e_Nplan


    Error message:

    Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not premitted when the subquery follows =, =! , ....

    Could you give some suggests how to solve it?


  • peter478 (5/21/2009)

    Hi ,

    one more thing:

    ALTER Procedure dbo.UPdata


    @e_Nplan char(20),

    @e_Ncas char(20)



    Update Cis_OP_NO

    SET N_Cas100ks = convert(float,replace(@e_Ncas,',','.'))

    Where N_Kplan = @e_Nplan


    Error message:

    Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not premitted when the subquery follows =, =! , ....

    Could you give some suggests how to solve it?



    The code you posted above can't be the entire stored proc code, since the error message talks about a subquery. Please post the entire procedure as well as a script to create the table Cis_OP_NO and to populate it with some test data. Makes everyone's life easier and will get you proper answers much quicker.



    A little knowledge is a dangerous thing (Alexander Pope)
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  • Hi ,

    There is the only stored procedure which is called through MS access.

    On this table are some triggers but I think that it should not be the problem.

    Triggers provides updates of values when someone change a specific field of table.

    If I update row (id = 3) from the table there is not problem ...proc works.

    but when I want to update more then one row with same value (N_kplan = 112a) then appiers error.

    Tbale Cis_OP_No was created manualy via MS Access



    id int

    N_Kplan varchar

    N_Cas100ks float


    id N_kplan N_Cas100ks


    1 112a 15.78

    2 112a 78.56

    3 456b 78

    4 741C 30.24

  • peter478 (5/23/2009)

    Hi ,

    On this table are some triggers but I think that it should not be the problem.

    That's exactly the problem.

    Badly written triggers with subqueries built with an assumption that only 1 row is updated always cause this kind of problems.

    Code for TallyGenerator

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