• Could any body tell me that when i am executing stored procedure through 1.1 an exception is fired sometimes in the form of code numbers like 44 , 53 and 56 .

    Kindly let me know how to find out the description of these codes and whether they are error codes or something else . kindly reply me its urgent

    Thanks & Regards


  • Something is going wrong in ur sp, so debug it... u could catch t errorno in sp and throw its description there itself

  • Something is going wrong in ur sp, so debug it... u could catch t errorno in sp and throw its description there itself

  • Is this an ASP error or a SQL error? You can grab information like @@error, @@error_description, etc. and send it back to the client from a stored proc.

    If this is design time errors, then look up the error and install custom error messages that you can send back to the client.

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