ERROR: Cannot show requested dialog

  • Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. We recently set up our first SQL2005 test box in house and began slowly restoring old SQL 70 databases to this machine for testing. Everything was working fine as of last week. However, this week I went in to change the compatibility mode on one of the databases and received the error detailed below. This is very strange and happens regardless of which database I choose. I've even logged in under the sa account and still receive the same message. Has anyone seen this before? Any help, even educated guesses, would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!

    TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio


    Cannot show requested dialog.



    Cannot show requested dialog. (SqlMgmt)


    Property Owner is not available for Database '[coda]'. This property may not exist for this object, or may not be retrievable due to insufficient access rights. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

    For help, click:





  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Maybe you can try this:


    Hope helps.


    Maximilian Haru Raditya

  • Did this command worked for anybody? I am getting the same exact error.


  • Cause.

    The above error happened because the original dbo login of that database was removed recently from the SQL Server 2000 instance.


    Change the owner of the database. This will fix your issue.

    For example:

    USE SampleDB

    EXEC sp_changedbowner 'sa'

  • had the same issue, running:

    USE xxxx

    EXEC sp_changedbowner 'sa'

    fixed the error

  • Use sp_helpdb to see list of databases - missing owner will be shown as NULL. If no owner, then several tool/utilities will not work. Easiest fix is to set the owner to sa (an account that will always be present).

    The syntax is different between 2000 and 2005:

    2005: ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON DATABASE(two colons)DatabaseName to sa;

    2000: EXEC DatabaseName..sp_changedbowner ‘sa’;

    I know this post is old, but this site comes up near the top on a Google search on how to find/change the owner, so a complete answer would be useful.

  • Worked for me. Thank you very much.

  • changing the owner worked for me


  • It worked for me also.

    Thank you very much

  • And for me

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