Error 927 Database test cannot be opened

  • Hi

    Using Enterprise Manager I tried to restore a database from backup. The restore failed and the database is shown in gray color.

    I am trying to delete the DB, to recreate it again But I am getting an error

    Error 927 Database TEST cannot be opened. It is in the midlle of a restore.

    What should I do to rectify this. Looking forward to a solution


  • hi,

    just do the restore again with force restore over existing database, rather then removing it forst


  • You can not force a restore over a restoring database. You must use sp_dbremove or sp_detach_db.


  • Hi,

    I think what you may have done is to Restore the database with the 'Leave database read-only and able to restore additional transaction logs' option selected.

    This mode allows you to restore log file backups so that things like upto point-in-time recoveries are possible. (A traditional backup plan would comprise, for example, a daily complete or differential backup with an hourly log backup.)

    If this is the case you can restore the database using theT-SQL command:


    See 'Recovering a Database Without Restoring' in Books online for more details.


  • Hi

    As per Paul, the force restore worked. Thanks guys for helping.


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