Error 7635 - Microsoft search cannot be administered under this user account

  • Help!

    I have backed up and restored a SQL 2000 sp3a database to a new server along with the full text catalogs using SQL 2000 sp3a also.

    When trying to rebuild and repopulate the full text catalogs i get the 7635 error.

    I have searched through google and on Microsoft support having tried all the suggestions from changing security rights to cmd line commands in the query analyser and nothing seems to correct the problem. It seems that the problem appears to be based around the access level of the local account running the Microsoft Search service.

    Does anyone know of a sure way to get over this problem 


  • It likely happened after you modified your account.

    Some links may be helpful.;en-us;277549


  • Thanks for your help but I have aready gone through the two links and the suggestions still did not cure my problem.

    Any other suggestions?

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