Error 7399 : OLE DB provider 'Microsoft Jet 4.0'

  • I created a new linked server to an Acces database located on (Network)

    \\serverName\public\data\db1.mdb an NT 2000 Server, and when I'm trying to

    acces to the tables passing trough these steps : ServerName -->

    Security ---> Linked Server ---> Tables. I always getting that message :

    "Error 7399 : OLE DB provider 'Microsoft Jet OLEDB.4.0' reported an error.

    Authentication Failed".

    If I'm changing the location of the Access Database, for example (local

    drive) C:\data\db1.mdb everithing works fine.

    Can you please tell me what am I doing wrong?


  • Check network rights. Log in as the account under which SQL is running and see if you can access the file.

    Steve Jones

  • My Network rights are OK. I'm able to open the same database using windows explorer.

    By the way by the time you reply to my post, I found a partial answer to my problem. Since I installed SQL Server SP1, I'm now able to create a linked server to an access Database on the network.

    The problem that I have right now, is when other users trying to acces to that link server that I have created on my server they stil have that same error message (Error 7399...) ,

    Those has been created with full access, using windows authentication to logon.

    Is there something that I'm doing wrong? Can you help please?


  • The linked server will access based on the rights of the server, not you. You need to check the rights that the server has, so log into the network as the server( get the account from control panel/services). Then see if you can access the file. The account may have changed during the SP installation.

    Steve Jones

  • If I pass by (control Panel -> Administrative Tools --> Service --> MSSQlsERVER --> Properties, Select Logon Tab, and Local System Account is checked.

    That mean that SQL Server use the same login as my NT Network Login, which is SPAGENEL.

    If I want to give access to other users at my linked server on my machine. How do I need to set that up.


  • Incorrect. Local System is a local system account for the workstation. It is not the same as your login. The local system account has NO privledges off the machine. If you want it to have the same privledges as you (not recommended) change the account to your account. I recommend you setting up a domain account with the rights you want and then setting that acccount up for SQL Server.

    Steve Jones

  • Hello, I found 2 interesting articles in the MS-Knowldgebase concerning this error that helped me with the same problem.;EN-US;Q241267


    Maybe it helps.;EN-US;Q296711

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