error 7301

  • Good Morning,

    I am looking for some assistance.

    I have created a linked server as follows: EXEC sp_addlinkedserver 'ADSI',

    'Active Directory Services 2.5', 'ADsDSOObject', 'adsdatasource'

    I now go to EM and open the linked server, ADSI properties.  I have no local

    logins defined, I click the "Be made without using a security context".  I

    then try to click on tables.  I have also tried to use a security context.

    I get the following error: error 7301: Could not obtain a required interface

    from OLE DB provider 'ADsDSOObject'


    General Tab:

    Linked Server: ADSI

    Provider Name: ADsDSOObject

    Datasource: adsdatasource

    Provider String:



    On the server options tab, I have Data Access checked off.

    Sql Server Version: 7.0 Server O/S: NT SP 4

    Exchange Ver. 5.5 Server O/S: NT

    Can you please help? Any information may be useful.



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  • Hi Jeff

    I am new to using linked server to access AD. However after some poking around and Googling, I was able to do so.

    Here is what I have working for me:

    EXEC sp_addlinkedserver 'ADSI', 'Active Directory Services 2.5', 'ADSDSOObject', 'adsdatasource' --I am not sure if it's case sensitive or not, I have seen some discussion on this issue. You can copy & paste to try it.

    EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'ADSI', 'false', 'sa', 'YourDomain\AnyDomainAccount', 'AccountPassword' --it seems any domain account would work, I think default AD is open for query.

    --I use the following OpenQuery to get users' info in a particular OU.


    'SELECT telephoneNumber, givenName, sn, mail, title, department, physicalDeliveryOfficeName, sAMAccountName, displayName

    FROM ''LDAP://DCServerName.YourDomainName/OU_To_Be_Searched'' where objectClass = ''User'' AND objectCategory= ''person'' AND sAMAccountName=''*''')

    ORDER BY displayName

    I am currently having problem using OLE DB via linked server to Exchange 2003. If you know or have been successfully appcomplished this, please let me know.

    Hopefully this can help you as well.


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