June 30, 2005 at 12:40 pm
Yet another one of my issues:
This error keeps popping up on one of my servers:
Date Source Message
78008454 Module(MSVCRT+00008454) (_endthread+000000C1)
77 F94956 Module(ntdll+00014956) (NtGetContextThread+0000000B)
7 C57B388 Module(KERNEL32+0000B388) (lstrcmpiW+000000B7)
4107382 C Module(UMS+0000382C) (ThreadStartRoutine(void *)+000000BC)
410735 D0 Module(UMS+000035D0) (ProcessWorkRequests(class UmsWorkQueue *)+00000264)
2005-05-23 23:33:39.23 backup Database backed up: Database: pubs, creation date(time): 2000/08/06(01:40:58),
2005-05-23 23:33:37.12 backup Database backed up: Database: Northwind, creation date(time): 2005/03/17(12:08:
2005-05-23 23:33:35.03 backup Database backed up: Database: msdb, creation date(time): 2000/08/06(01:40:56),
2005-05-23 23:33:30.92 backup Database backed up: Database: model, creation date(time): 2000/08/06(01:40:52),
2005-05-23 23:33:29.35 backup Database backed up: Database: master, creation date(time): 2005/05/17(13:49:15)
2005-05-23 23:33:26.14 backup Database backed up: Database: Production, creation date(time): 2003/05/28(13:21:33
2005-05-23 18:52:29.17 spid52 Error: 3624, Severity: 20, State: 1.
2005-05-23 18:52:28.96 spid52 SQL Server Assertion: File: <q:\SPHINX\NTDBMS\storeng\drs\include\record.inl>,
It keeps dropping my connection and is really irking me!
June 30, 2005 at 1:13 pm
The error is very simimilar to the decription in KB 330307. Please take a look, and the error occurs prior to SQL 2000 SP3. What version are you running ?
June 30, 2005 at 1:23 pm
According to the dump, the error is happening during backup. Does it also happens when backup is not running ?
June 30, 2005 at 2:08 pm
No. This is not a backup, this log example is a backup but this same error is appearing when I run DBREINDEX.
Yes, I have discovered that this server is running pre-SP3. I am shocked and running the SP4 right now. Once again, verify people! I was told all servers were up to date. Guess this one slipped through.
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