
  • I am getting while using database. I was trying to take databse in OFFLine.

    Msg 952, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Database abc is in transition. Try the statement later.

  • close your mangement studio and start again . I had a same issue in past


  • i check all process but no process shown in sysprocesses and Sp_who/sp_who2.

    I had check database id from.

    select * from sys.databases


    select * from sys.sysprocesses WHERE dbid = 84

    SELECT * FROM sys.dm_exec_requests WHERE database_id = 84

    select * from sys.dm_tran_locks where resource_database_id=84

    After that you will get procees id.

    then kill corresponding session and check database status.

  • .

  • Please try to Stop and Start sql server service using management studio to resolved this issue...

  • Restart the SQL Server

    To get quick answer follow this link:

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