Error 3013 - And I am not restoring !!

  • Somebody care to throw a suggestion as to why a command such as

    BACKUP @DBName TO DISK AS @FileName

    Would produce error 3013 when stepped through in the Query analyser debugger but work perfectly when run 'properly'?

    Neither of the variables are NULL.

    I tried to execute this using sp_executesql but it refuses to work at all then.

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  • Nope, wish it did.

    We have traced it in some part to the NTFS, if you try to run a backup to an NTFS compressed volume then this occurs more frequently than if the volume is not compressed.

    It also seems that drive fragmentation is playing a part here also, if the drive is defragged then the error seems to go away.

    This however makes no sense - UNLESS - Mr Gates Redmond crew are using the swap file DESPITE 2 Gig being allowed for SQL and DESPITE there being over 1 Gig of memory available. We did some traces on the page faults and this would appear to be the case.

    Come on Redmond ... go to Unix for the day - learn how to manage memory and hard drives will you.

  • That seems like a bug if it's fragmentation related. I'd spend the $$ for a call to PSS and have them diagnose it. They're good and the money is refunded if it's a bug.

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