Error 28566

  • Hi all,

    just for fun (not) im posting up another issue todo with SQL CE replication and a specific error that seems to be occuring.

    upon running a full 2 way sync from the pocketPC application, the system connects ok to the distributor via IIS and the merge agent runs at SQL fine, however after about 5 minute the following error occurs, i have checked it out on Microsoft website but cant seem to figure out what the issue is. the error is 28566

    From BOL on microsoft

    28566 The update action failed. P3: Table name SSCE_M_UPDATEFAILED

    thanks for any suggestions you guys/gals might have...



    Life is far too important to be taken seriously

  • Hello,

    There isn't much help for that error message.  I once had a problem with merge replication where the case sensitive publisher database had data that would have violated a uniqueness constraint if the database were insensitive.  And it was insensitive on the SSCE database.  Everything looked fine on the server, but the client threw an exception at some point after the merge agent had completed.  Of course, BOL has a single sentence stating that SQL CE/merge replication does not support case-sensitive publisher databases, but the developers of the application I am supporting didn't read that one...

    Now I didn't know WHICH data caused the problem, so I had to iteratively re-create the publication without different sets of tables and sync each time to find out which table caused the problem.

    Once I found the table, I repeated the process with different PK ranges in a horizontal filter until I found which ROW caused the problem.  Once I found the bad row, I was able to figure out the problem.

    Now, in your case, you aren't getting the same error I got, but your situation might be similar.  If things were working fine up to a point, then stopped working all of a sudden, with no OTHER changes being made, I believe that the data is the cause.  You might benefit from using an approach similar to what I used.

    If you have all of the data that you need from the subscriber, your solution may be as simple as dropping and re-creating the subscriber's database.

    Another thing you might try is subscribing to the publication from another database on another SQL server and seeing what happens when you merge.  You might get more information than the error message you got from SSCE.

    I'm by no means an expert in this realm, but I hope these thoughts might help you solve your problem.




  • Thanks Jeff,

    This issue does seem to be data related or can also be because of out of memory on the publisher. (at least this is what it seemed to be for us -> rare occurance!!) thanks for your help with this

    Life is far too important to be taken seriously

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