Error 20585(SQL-DMO) Encrypted objects is not transferable, and script can not be generated

  • Hi, I'm working with Sql Server 2000 SP4 on windows 2000 SP4 and when I'm trying to open a stored prodecure (created by user) a message appears, "Error 20585(SQL-DMO) Encrypted objects is not transferable, and script can not be generated",  it's only happening with two databases and with stored procedures created by development team.

    Any idea how to fix it or what going on with that?


    Thanks for your any help.



  • Your developers encrypted the stored procedures.


    Stored procedure code is stored in the table syscomments and is viewable by anyone. Encrypting the procedure removes this ability. Plus you can't script it.

    Unless they have a very good reason, they should not be doing this. It does not matter since there is a decrypter available as freeware on the internet. Google dSQLSRVD.

    I worked on a 3rd party application that encrypted the procs and if we had a database error we just decrypted the proc, found the bad code and sort of suggested to the 3rd party where they might need to make a fix.


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