error 15284 when trying to drop user

  • I'm trying to drop a user and am getting 'The database principal has granted or denied permissions to objects in the database and cannot be dropped. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 15284)'

    I did

    select user_name(grantor), object_name(id), *

    from sysprotects (nolock)

    where grantor = USER_ID ( 'the_user' )

    to see what the object is, but object_name(id) is NULL

    any ideas on the next move?


  • this is the query i use for defining object ownership:

    ;with objects_cte as





    when o.principal_id is null then s.principal_id

    else o.principal_id

    end as principal_id

    from sys.objects o

    inner join sys.schemas s

    on o.schema_id = s.schema_id

    where o.is_ms_shipped = 0

    and o.type in ('U', 'FN', 'FS', 'FT', 'IF', 'P', 'PC', 'TA', 'TF', 'TR', 'V')




    from objects_cte cte

    inner join sys.database_principals dp

    on cte.principal_id = dp.principal_id

    WHERE <> 'dbo'

    order by


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  • Did you tried querying sys.database_permissions?

    select * from sys.database_permissions where grantor_principal_id = user_id ('USERNAME')

  • thanks, but the user in question was not returned as an owner

    I should also mention that the user is an orphan (that is, there is no associated login) - not sure if that is relevant or not

  • and

    select *, object_name(major_id) from sys.database_permissions where grantor_principal_id = user_id ('the_user')

    returned NULL for object_name(major_id)

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