Error 1105 on SQL Server 2000

  • Getting this error for a database:

    Could not allocate space for object '%.*ls' in database '%.*ls' because the '%.*ls' filegroup is full.

    Any ideas what is the best way to solve the problem. BOL gives different methods. If anyone has tried, could you please suggest. Also, wouldn't increasing growth factor work as currently its 0%.

    Look forward to your replies.



  • hi

    First of all you need to check if you have restriced the filegrowth for the database or not.If you have restricted the size then you need to add another file to this and add it to a different filegroup and make it the default filegroup.

    Its always good to keep the user objects on a different filegroup then the primary filegroup so that the system table have space for them.


    also you can do one more thing check the unrestricted filegrowth option and give the parameters for the growth whether it has to be a percentgae or in megabytes.

  • Thanks for your reply Arun. You probably replied to my other query as well; by mistake I posted it on another forum.

    Anyway, I had set the filegrowth factor to 10% as it was originally set to zero whereas Unlimited Growth option was already checked. It worked then. Now that you have confirmed this makes me feel better.

    With regards to adding another file i.e. secondary file, I have a question. Where I used to work previously, we had separate file groups for user tables and indexes (apart from primary) and every time either of them were created, they had to be attached to particular filegroup. Here, we only have one filegroup i.e. PRIMARYand all the objects naturally exist on it. Hence, when I add another file it would belong to same filegroup and there is no need to set a default filegroup. Right?

    Even if we have a filegroups other than primary, why do we need to specify user-defined filegroup as default. Does it mean it will automatically create objects in that filegroup.

    Last question, I had an understanding that when ever database outgrows, it automatically creates an .ndf file. Do we need to check some options to enable this or do we always have to manually add another file ourselves?

    Sorry for the too many queries. Looking forward for some helpful answers.



  • hi

    See first of all the Primary filegroup is the default file group.So even if you add another filegroup and don't make it the default filegroup then all the objects will definitely exist on the Primary filegroup only since it is the default fillegroup.It is always advisable to have all the user objects on a differnet filegroup.
    The secondary file(ndf) is not automatically created whenver a database grows.You have to always add it manuaaly.When the database will grow it iwill only increase the size of the existing data file based on the options that you have set.
    So you have to manually add a secondary file.

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