Error 1105 filegroup full

  • Hello  community,

    I currently emptying ndf file to other ndf files (with SSMS) and I get the error 1105 filegroup full for that particular database I am working on. But if I check the filegroup and the other ndf/mdf files there's plenty of  enough space left. So I can't figure out which filegroup is full.

    Anyone has the same problem?



  • Hi,

    maybe this script could tell you, which file group is full:

    SELECT DB_NAME() AS DbName, 
    name AS FileName,
    size/128.0 AS CurrentSizeMB,
    size/128.0 - CAST(FILEPROPERTY(name, 'SpaceUsed') AS INT)/128.0 AS FreeSpaceMB
    FROM sys.database_files;

    Please let us know, if this was helpfull.

    Kind regards,




  • Lots of things to check, size of the "old" ndf, size of the "new" ndfs, eg you cant put 300GB of data from "old" into 2x100GB of files of "new".

    When you are checking free space you need to check while the operation is ongoing, checking while nothing is running may return like you have plenty of space but the transaction is rolled back so nothing has happened.

    Ensure you have auto growth enabled on the files, ensure you have plenty of disk space left for growth to happen.


    What command(s) are you using to empty the file DBCC SHRINKFILE (<X>, EMPTYFILE) something else?

  • Just to let you know that it still shows 1105 despite that there is enough space left. Really enough.

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