Eror: 15457 ... how to lookup for dummies?

  • I'm seeing the following error in my log ... where do I go to find out its meaning ... a url or search engine?  it occurs after a change to 'allow updates'

    Error: 15457, Severity: 0, State: 1


  • This probably isn't entirely what you were hoping for, but in BOL if you type in the number in Index search you can find the 15000-15999 error state range. Looking up 15457 gives the following:

    154570Configuration option '%ls' changed from %ld to %ld. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install.

    I'm not sure if you need more than that, but if you do run a Google or other search the "Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install" text may give you better results than the code. I'm not sure if there is a way to get the %ls and %ld substitution values from the log or not. I'm a novice when it comes to reading error logs.

    Good luck.


  • You mentioned you receive this error message after a 'change to allow updates'. Are you allowing updates to your system tables? If you are, you must run the RECONFIGURE command to it take effect.

  • We only allowed it to apply a hot fix. 


  • I just saw that same error myself this morning. The cause seems totally unrelated to the error, however. A user executed a stored procedure that contained a TRUNCATE TABLE statement. In the application, the following error was returned: Error #3704, "User does not have permission to perform this operation...".

    To execute TRUNCATE TABLE, the user must belong to one these groups:  a sysadmin or db_owner or db_ddladmin. ( Since the table is small, I changed the code to DELETE <Table> )

    Try to find out who generated the error, then look for a permission issue, more likely related to executing a statement without proper permissions rather than not having a object-level permission.


  • This is a leftover from pre-EM days. It's a reminder that you have to run RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE for your configuration change to take affect.

    The full syntax in query analyzer is:

    exec sp_configue allow, 1   -- 1=Allow 0=Prevent

    reconfigure with override

  • Don't know if this helps, but we also saw this start showing up shortly after installing a service pack (SP 2 I think).  From what I could determine at the time, the message is informational only and does not require any action.  I could never find the cause and it seemed to occur pretty consistently on server startup then went away after a while.  Other things like opening EM and changing a certain settings will generate this message.  If your DB's and server are locked down pretty well, I would ignore the error. 

    Yet another MS error that isn't really an error.    

    My hovercraft is full of eels.

  • Hi,

    I have installed the Sp3a (SQL 2000,Win2000) today and have this error in sql-logfile. What exactly must I write in query analyser?


    exec sp_configue allow, 1   -- 1=Allow 0=Prevent

    reconfigure with override

    bring an error - sp_configure can nto be found

    I get an error every time when I something in the server settings change in the Enterprice manager. what can I do?


    P.S. And i cannot chang SQLServer-properties, they will by not saved (without error massage:unsure

  • Hi Olga

    There was a typo (a mistake in the typing of that command).

    It should be:

    exec sp_configure allow, 1   -- 1=Allow 0=Prevent

    reconfigure with override

    Your results, if you ran this from Query Analyzer should be:

    DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

    Configuration option 'allow updates' changed from 0 to 1. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install.



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