enterprize manager just shuts down

  • SQL 200 SP4.

    Whenever I right mouse on a database and go to properties Enterprize manager just closes.  No error messages, no event logs in the system or app log.  What could it be?





  • SQL 200 - that must have been a while ago

    Have you tried installing EM on another PC and seeing whether it happens there too? Then you start working out whether it's a localised problem. When did the problem start happeining - was it after upgrading to SP4?

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • Thanks I will try the EM on another machine.  It just happened, perhaps as a result of changing the IP address of the server.  Everything else seems to work just fine

  • Here's acouple of things to try before investing 15 minutes in an EM install on another machine based on your statement that the SQL Server's IP address just changed ...

    You can reboot your PC or to save another 5 minutes you can open up a cmd window and enter:

    ipconfig /flushdns

    ipconfig /registerdns

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

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