Enterprise Manager - delay to list databases

  • Hi everybody!

    Every time I need to use the Enterprise Manager it is taking a lot of time, usually 11 minutes, to list the databases.

    But now this amount of time was increased up to 40 minutes, practically a life-time.

    Has someone any idea of how to force the enterprise manager to list the databases more quickly?

  • come on buddies gimme a guess at least.

  • I once had slow performance with enterprise manager, it turned out there were erros in the server event logs related to hard drive read errors.

    Failing a hardware problem, try reinstalling enterprise mgr in case something is corrupt.

    If still no good, it might be worth de-registering all your servers then restarting enterprise mgr, add register them in again one by one testing as you go to see if it is caused by one particular server registration.

    good luck!


  • this sounds familiar but struggling to remember details (not had problem myself but have read web articles). I think it is due to the system stored proc that lists the databases on start up being slow when there are a large no. of databases. Run profiler when starting EM to see what is actually being run and then do a web search on the the stored proc. I think there was a tweak you could do to the stored proc.

    good luck


  • How many databases are there on the SQL Server ?

    Now if you have hundreds to thousands of databases then there is a system SP that can be modified to speed things up a bit. But let's not go there yet. If the number is less than 100 I suspect you have an issue in one of 3 places - the SQL Server itself, your network connectivity or your local workstation. Let sstart with a few questions:

    • Are you running EM from the server or your workstation ?
    • Are you on a LAN or a WAN ?
    • Do the System and Application event logs on the SQL Server indicate anything - warnings or errors ?
    • Does the SQL Server errorlog indicate any errors ?
    • When was the last restart of SQL Server ?
    • When was trhe last reboot of the server ?
    • When was the last reboot of your workstation ?


    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • Also, check to make sure you don't have 'auto close' set on your databases.

  • I seem to remember this also and I believe this was related to Server 2000, after SP2, and SQL 2000. If I recall correctly, the fix was to have all related servers and databases running the same updates.  Maybe someone else could confirm this.  I do remember this issue being widespread on Google Groups at the time. 


  • This problem can be reproduced by using a non-patched version of EM to display the databases on an instance of SQL Server running SP4.  We have over 400 databases on our server and I saw this problem just last week as we had a new DBA join our company.  He failed to update his client install to SP4 and it took quite a bit of time to display the databases.  The solution in his case was simple, he just applied SP4 to his client install and it fixed the problem.

    If your server isn't running SP4,

    first - shame on you,

    second - you will probably need to install the same service pack on your machine that's on the server.


    If there is no difference between the SP's installed on your server and client PC's then you have a different problem and can ignore all of this. 

  • Thanks Ed. That was a memory jog for me!

    Fabio, I hope this is your issue for it is a fairly easy.


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