Encrypting or Locking SQL Log files...

  • Ok, our company just went through an external audit and I got flagged for not having my SQL log files locked. They said that I need to have each log file protected, so they can not be altered by anyone. I know the initial 'errorlog' is locked while it is being used, but what is the best route for locking the other log files; errorlog.1 -> errorlog.6. Is there an application that I can run that would keep these files from being edited until they are deleted? Is there a setting in SQL I do not know about? I don't want to get into a manual process, as that would be a maintenance nightmare with so many servers. I am not sure where to begin on this, so I thought I would ask what you guys are doing and how you protect your sql log files.

    Thanks in Advance!

  • Hi

    You can use a SQLCLR procedure or a SSIS script task using .NET to encrypt the files or move them into a database table.



  • Another method is to setup a scheduled job to copy them to another location (commonly a central location for log files) that is firewalled, protected and on an encrypted file system. This process allows for file comparison by having multiple copies. Auditors are usually ok with this method.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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