Encrypt/Decrypt FUncionality

  • I have the need to encrypt/decrypt a value to be placed in a table in SQL server.  I can do this via VBScript and/or VB as as function but that causes me to maintain two different sorts of procedures.  One in ASP and on in VB.  

    I would like to do this in a SQL Server stored procedure but am having difficulty going about it and would like as much help as I can get from anyone who can.  The table structure and encryption function is included below.  Please keep in mind that this is a very small portion of the big picture.

    Just paste the script in between the proper header tags on an html page and it will work.

    *****  Table ******************

    CREATE TABLE dbo.Repository_Main (

     mainID      int IDENTITY (1,1) not null,    -- The record ID

      mainLoginName    varbinary(275) not null,   -- The actual login name (encrypted)

      mainPW           varbinary(275) not null,   -- This is PW  (encrypted)

      mainAccessLevel  integer,                   -- Defines the managerial level needed to access this login information (<= current id to access)

      mainServerName   varchar(50),               -- The DNS user friendly name of the server

      mainServerIP     varchar(15),               -- IP address of the server

      mainAppName      Varchar(50),               -- If the id and password is for an application then this is it.

      mainRole         integer,                   -- The rtole of this id SQL DBA, UNix DBA wetc

      mainSystemID     integer,                    -- Defines what system this login is for

      created_by       varchar(50),               -- The creator of this record





    Dim a,CodeKey,DataIn

     Dim strCodeKey

      a = InputBox("Please enter password", "Password to be encrypted")

        strCodeKey = InputBox("Please enter your Key", "XOr Encryption Key")


        Dim lonDataPtr

        Dim strDataOut

        Dim intXOrValue1

        Dim intXOrValue2

        Dim test

        Dim y

        Dim temp

        Dim tempstring

        Dim test2



        For lonDataPtr = 1 To Len(DataIn)


            intXOrValue1 = Asc(Mid(DataIn, lonDataPtr, 1))


            intXOrValue2 = Asc(Mid(CodeKey, ((lonDataPtr Mod Len(CodeKey)) + 1), 1))


            temp = (intXOrValue1 Xor intXOrValue2)


            tempstring = Hex(temp)


            If Len(tempstring) = 1 Then tempstring = "0" & tempstring


            strDataOut = strDataOut + tempstring



    document.write(strDataOut   &"     Encrypted Data***********")

    strCodeKey = InputBox("Please enter your Key", "XOr Decryption Key")



    lonDataPtr = 1


        For lonDataPtr = 1 To (Len(DataIn) / 2)

            y=(Mid(DataIn, (2 * lonDataPtr) - 1, 2))

           intXOrValue1 = CLng("&H" & y)

            intXOrValue2 = Asc(Mid(CodeKey, ((lonDataPtr Mod Len(CodeKey)) + 1), 1))

            strDataOut = strDataOut + Chr(intXOrValue1 Xor intXOrValue2)


    document.write( strDataOut   &"    Decrypted Data")




    Kindest Regards,

    ** Obstacles are those frightening things that appear when we take our eyes off the goal. **

  • Hi David,

    Don't know if you knew but SQL Server has it's own (A little limited) Encryption routines 'built in'. Have a look at this in QA.

    pwdencrypt encrypts your password.

    pwdcompare will check if the two passwords are the same returning a 1 for equal and a 0 for different.

    The only real drawback is - I dont think it is case sensitive, so forcing letters and numbers are the order of the day......

    DECLARE @EncryptedPIN varbinary(255)

    DECLARE @PINtoEncrypt varchar(255)

    DECLARE @tester varchar(255)

    SET @tester = 'Test'

    SET @PINtoEncrypt = 'Test'

    SELECT @EncryptedPIN = CONVERT(varbinary(255), pwdencrypt(@PINtoEncrypt))

    SELECT pwdcompare(@TESTER, @EncryptedPIN, 0)

    Have fun


    We need men who can dream of things that never were.

  • Forgot to mention - these are  "undocumented"  features. Use at your own risk.......

    Have fun


    We need men who can dream of things that never were.

  • There is but a few problems. 

    1.  I need to be able to decrypt and display the password to the user/administrators of the system. 

    2.  I need to have it case sensitive.  DaViD is different than DAVID.  I need to be sure it wil store the data correctly.

    3.  I also found these function on-line and they were mentioned mostly with SQL-7.  I am using SQL Server 2000.  There were also mention many quirks and issues associated with the functions you mentioned.

    Kindest Regards,

    ** Obstacles are those frightening things that appear when we take our eyes off the goal. **

  • Hi David,

    Yes there are limitations and 'quirks' involved with sequels encryption functionality. I haven't yet found a way to decrypt......

    Rather than maintaining two different procedures, would it not be easier to wrap the encryption / decryption code into a dll, then call it from a UDF when required?

    Have a quick look at "user-defined functions, MDX" in BOL.

    Have fun


    We need men who can dream of things that never were.

  • /*If you desire to use encryption/decryption logic for password,

    then have a look at the following, hope this serves your purpose


    Create Table Password

    ([Password] binary(255))

    insert into Password

    Select encrypt('Vivek')

    Union All

    Select encrypt('vIvek')

    Union All

    Select encrypt('viVek')

    /*All three records inserted have different binary codes,

    which ensures its case sensitive nature, when compared during login authentication


    Select * from Password


    In order to decrypt, i have written simple query statement,

    i think no need to explain that. Your Administrator can view now...


    SELECT cast(substring(password,1,1)   as char (1))

     + cast(substring(password,3,1)   as char (1))

     + cast(substring(password,5,1)   as char (1))

     + cast(substring(password,7,1)   as char (1))

     + cast(substring(password,9,1)   as char (1))

     + cast(substring(password,11,1)  as char (1))

     + cast(substring(password,13,1)  as char (1))

    FROM Password


    Vivek K. Gupta

    /**A strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug**/

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