Encrypt Password Field Using DTS?

  • Hi,

    I have a user table that's now storing username and password in clear text. I'd like to replace the current password field with a new field that stores the password in hash format.

    This table is used in a web application. I'll modify my pages to hash the submitted password for comparison with the hash in the database. But is there a way to use DTS to hash the existing clear text password entries and populate into the new field?



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  • Why would you use DTS? Wouldn't it be better to run a simple one-off loop in your web-app to perform the same hashing process?


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • I agree with PhillCart. Don't try to do something with a sql tool that is better handled by the application itself.

    If you are trying to encrypt the password in the database itself because of security reasons, there are sql encrypt scripts out there, but your application will have to handle them with the sql encrypt logic.

    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

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