Emailing within DTS package

  • I need to create a DTS package that sends out an email based on a query.


    SELECT @Count= count(*) FROM employee WHERE site = 1

    If @Count=0 I don't want an email to be sent. If @Count>=1 then the email should be sent out.

    How do I set up the package to reflect this?






  • Add a connection object that points to your sql server.

    Add an Execute SQL Task to the package and enter the following SQL statement:


    DECLARE @count int

    SELECT @count = COUNT(*) FROM Employee WHERE site = 1

    IF @count > 0 


      EXEC master.dbo.xp_sendmail @recipients='list of recipient email addresses, @subject='Your subject', @message='your message'


  • Thank you so much. It worked.

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