Emailing to an address that is not on the locale server

  • I am having trouble having a Reporting Server EMail a report to an Email address that is not on the local Exchange server. The error message is that the EMail address is not valid. It will EMail fine to any address that is on the local Exchange server. There is no entry in the PermittedHosts entry in the config file. I can't figure out what the problem is. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  • The powers to be made me submit a request for "Mail Relay" to allow my server to send mail through the exchange server... since they normally deny connections to machines not in the ____ domain.

    Could that be your problem?


    david russell

  • I have the exchange server in the RsConfig file and it works fine for all the other EMail. I think I had this working on the developer edition but now we have the enterprise version it doesn't seem to be working. Was there any change in the config files or did you just request Mail Relay from the Exchange admin group?




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