Email report to email address contained in results

  • Hi all,

    I'm currently using SQL Standard Edition so I know it does't allow me to do data driven subscriptions.

    I've taken this script below to create a Stored Procedure

    CREATE procedure dbo.data_driven_subscription

    ( @scheduleID uniqueidentifier,

    @emailTO varchar (2000) = ' ',

    @emailCC varchar (2000) = ' ',

    @emailBCC varchar (2000) = ' ',

    @emailReplyTO varchar (2000) = ' ',

    @emailBODY varchar (8000) = ' ',

    @param1 varchar (256) = ' '




    @ptrval binary(16),

    @PARAMptrval binary(16),

    @TOpos int,

    @CCpos int,

    @BCCpos int,

    @RTpos int,

    @BODYpos int,

    @PARAM1Pos int,

    @length int,

    @subscriptionID uniqueidentifier

    -- set the subscription ID

    SELECT @subscriptionID = SubscriptionID

    FROM ReportSchedule WHERE ScheduleID = @scheduleID

    -- set the text point for this records Email info

    SELECT @ptrval = TEXTPTR(ExtensionSettings)

    FROM Subscriptions WHERE SubscriptionID = @subscriptionID

    -- set the text point for this records Parameter info

    SELECT @PARAMptrval = TEXTPTR(Parameters)

    FROM Subscriptions WHERE SubscriptionID = @subscriptionID

    -- set the start position for the TO Address

    SELECT @TOpos = patindex('%|TO|%', ExtensionSettings) - 1

    FROM Subscriptions WHERE SubscriptionID = @subscriptionID

    IF isnull(@TOpos, '') <> '' and @TOpos > 0 and len(@emailTo) > 0

    -- change the TO address

    UPDATETEXT Subscriptions.ExtensionSettings





    -- set the start position for the CC Address

    SELECT @CCpos = patindex('%|CC|%', ExtensionSettings) - 1

    FROM Subscriptions WHERE SubscriptionID = @subscriptionID

    IF isnull(@CCpos, '') <> '' and @CCpos > 0 and len(@emailCC) > 0

    -- change the TO address

    UPDATETEXT Subscriptions.ExtensionSettings





    -- set the start position for the BCC Address

    SELECT @BCCpos = patindex('%|BC|%', ExtensionSettings) - 1

    FROM Subscriptions WHERE SubscriptionID = @subscriptionID

    IF isnull(@BCCpos, '') <> '' and @BCCpos > 0 and len(@emailBCC) > 0

    -- change the TO address

    UPDATETEXT Subscriptions.ExtensionSettings





    -- set the start position for the REPLY TO Address

    SELECT @RTpos = patindex('%|RT|%', ExtensionSettings) - 1

    FROM Subscriptions WHERE SubscriptionID = @subscriptionID

    IF isnull(@RTpos, '') <> '' and @RTpos > 0 and len(@emailReplyTO) > 0

    -- change the REPLY TO address

    UPDATETEXT Subscriptions.ExtensionSettings





    -- set the start position for the BODY Text

    SELECT @BODYpos = patindex('%|BD|%', ExtensionSettings) - 1

    FROM Subscriptions WHERE SubscriptionID = @subscriptionID

    IF isnull(@BODYpos, '') <> '' and @BODYpos > 0 and len(@emailBODY) > 0

    -- change the REPLY TO address

    UPDATETEXT Subscriptions.ExtensionSettings





    -- set the start position for the Parameter 1

    SELECT @PARAM1Pos = patindex('%|P1|%', Parameters) - 1

    FROM Subscriptions WHERE SubscriptionID = @subscriptionID

    IF isnull(@PARAM1Pos, '') <> '' and @PARAM1Pos > 0 and len(@param1) > 0

    -- change the Parameter 1 value

    UPDATETEXT Subscriptions.Parameters





    -- run the job

    exec msdb..sp_start_job @job_name = @scheduleID

    -- this give the report server time to execute the job.

    -- there is probably a better way to do this, so let me know if you know it ...

    WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:10'

    -- now change everything back so you can run this again

    -- set the start position for the TO Address

    SELECT @TOpos = patindex('%' + @emailTO + '%', ExtensionSettings) - 1

    FROM Subscriptions WHERE SubscriptionID = @subscriptionID

    SELECT @length = len(@emailTO)

    IF @length > 0

    -- replace the addresses with the original |TO|

    UPDATETEXT Subscriptions.ExtensionSettings





    -- set the start position for the TO Address

    SELECT @CCpos = patindex('%' + @emailCC + '%', ExtensionSettings) - 1

    FROM Subscriptions WHERE SubscriptionID = @subscriptionID

    SELECT @length = len(@emailCC)

    IF @length > 0

    -- replace the addresses with the original |CC|

    UPDATETEXT Subscriptions.ExtensionSettings





    -- set the start position for the TO Address

    SELECT @BCCpos = patindex('%' + @emailBCC + '%', ExtensionSettings) - 1

    FROM Subscriptions WHERE SubscriptionID = @subscriptionID

    SELECT @length = len(@emailBCC)

    IF @length > 0

    -- replace the addresses with the original |BC|

    UPDATETEXT Subscriptions.ExtensionSettings





    -- set the start position for the REPLY TO Address

    SELECT @RTpos = patindex('%' + @emailReplyTO + '%', ExtensionSettings) - 1

    FROM Subscriptions WHERE SubscriptionID = @subscriptionID

    SELECT @length = len(@emailReplyTO)

    IF @length > 0

    -- replace the addresses with the original |RT|

    UPDATETEXT Subscriptions.ExtensionSettings





    -- set the start position for the BODY Text

    SELECT @BODYpos = patindex('%' + @emailBODY + '%', ExtensionSettings) - 1

    FROM Subscriptions WHERE SubscriptionID = @subscriptionID

    SELECT @length = len(@emailBODY)

    IF @length > 0

    -- replace the addresses with the original |BD|

    UPDATETEXT Subscriptions.ExtensionSettings





    -- set the start position for the Parameter

    SELECT @PARAM1Pos = patindex('%' + @param1 + '%', Parameters) - 1

    FROM Subscriptions WHERE SubscriptionID = @subscriptionID

    SELECT @length = len(@param1)

    IF @length > 0

    -- replace the addresses with the original |P1|

    UPDATETEXT Subscriptions.Parameters






    --EXEC data_driven_subscription

    -- @ScheduleID = 'BF435933-C03C-4B6C-B611-54D38FB280C3',

    -- @EmailTo = '',

    -- @EmailCC = '',

    -- @EmailBCC = '',

    -- @EmailReplyTo = '',

    -- @EmailBody = 'Test 123',

    -- @param1 = 'First Parameter';

    The question I now have, is it possible for @EmailTo to populate with the multiple email addresses contained win the 'EmailAddress' column within my tablix?

    Is it even possible in the Standard Edition?


  • Emailto just needs to be a ;Semicolon separated list of emails.

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