Email notification wont work

  • I have been trying to setup SQL Mail forever and it just won't work.  Is anyone willing to help me out with this?

    When I setup a notification of a job and try to send a test email from it, it gives me this error:

    Error 22022: SQLServerAgent Error: The SQLServerAgent mail session is not running; check the mail profile and/or the SQLServerAgent service startup account in the SQLServerAgent Properties dialog.

    When I right click on SQL Server Agent --> Properties, I have tried to set it to an account I made of SQLAdmin.  Is that what I am supposed to do?  It won't accept it though.  I also logged on to the server under that account, which I read I am supposed to do.

    Anyway, please help me!  I need it


  • I'd start with this article:


    and then look through some of the discussion forums on this site.  very helpful info.  don't forget that the mail profile needs to be set before you configure agent mail.  meaning you need to be able to send and receive email via outlook before proceeding.  then setup the user account for sql agent to match that mail profile.

  • I have gone through all of those articles.  I have setup Outlook also.  When is use the QA and do this:

    exec master..xp_sendmail @recipients='', @subject='Mail Test'

    It works, but setting up notificationss and stuff doesn't work.

    Any other suggestions?  Thanks!

  • OK,

    you have SQL Mail working.  one of two mail options (of course not the one that works with job alerts which is what you want)

    Under SQL Server Agent Properties, under the General Tab have you specified the account the service uses to run?  this should match the domain account that the mail is configured for.

    you should then see by the mail session/mail profile the words:  MS Exchange Settings.

    bare with me here...have you checked that yet?

  • Ok, I have done all of that now.  I have set up my SQLAdmin account on both MSSQLSERVER and SQLSERVERAGENT.  Also, the mail profile is setup.  When I try to run a test email on a job, it won't work.  It still says

  • So does anyone out there have any ideas about what would be going wrong? 

    I think it has something to do with MAPI.


  • If you to setup an operator, can you test email by clicking test.

  • Try this page, it may help you

  • when you set up the operator and send a test message, what happens?

  • You've stopped and restarted the SQL Server?

    John Scarborough

  • Yes, I have stopped and started MSSQLSERVER and SQLSERVERAGENT. 

    When I try to run a test email on an operator, it says:

    Error 22022: SQLServerAgent Error: The SQLServerAgent mail session is not running; check the mail profile and/or the SQLServerAgent service startup account in the SQLServerAgent Properties dialog.

    The mail profile that is set up is SQLAdmin.  What does it mean by the mail seesion? 

    Thanks for your help!


  • Expand enterprise manager for the server in question.  Right click on SQL Server Agent node, select Proerties.  What is the profile selected for mail session?

  • Oops, missed a step. Expand management after expanding the server. 

    What happens when you click the test button there too?

  • SQLAdmin is and when I click test, it works.  Why won't it work when I try to do a test email for a job?

  • When I just open up Properties on the SQLAdmin operator, it won't let me send an email.  It is still saying the same thing.  I have been reading different things and just can't figure it out.  Anyone out there willing to help me out some more?  Thanks!


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