email notification of # of records

  • I've written a DTS package that takes certain data from database 1 to populate database 2 and it is working successfully.

    I have set up email notification to myself to let me know the package executed successfully.

    I would like to also include in the email how many records were added to database 2. Is there a way I can do this?

  • This would be a good candidate for an ActiveX Script:

    Also, you want to put the number of records in a global variable and reference that global variable in the ActiveX.

  • Thank you. This does make sence, but my experience is limited.

    I have 2 connections, a transform data task and a mail task in the DTS package.

    Do I add an activex task to the package?

    I am not sure where or how to set up the global variable.

  • I've tried to do this in DTS.  Unless you really want to learn a lot about VBA its not worth the trouble.  Its much easier to use xp_sendmail.  Create a stored proc that calls it and then create a task in your DTS package that executes it.  The mail object in DTS is ok as long as you just want a static message sent. Sending dymanic data from SQL server is not easy.

  • The dts should be set up this way:

    Connection1--->Connection2--->ActiveX--->Send Mail Task

    And this is what should be in the ActiveX Script:

    Function Main()

     dim conn, rs

     set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

     set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")


     DSN1 = "Provider=sqloledb;" & _

         "Data Source=TRICAST2;" & _

         "Initial Catalog=Quote;" & _

         "Integrated Security=SSPI"


     Conn.Open DSN1

     set rs=conn.execute("Select count(*) from test_table")


     Dim oPkg, oTasks, oSendMailTask

     ' Get Package object

     Set oPkg = DTSGlobalVariables.Parent

     ' Get Tasks collection

     Set oTasks = oPkg.Tasks

     ' Get DTS Send Mail Task by Name

     Set oSendMailTask = oTasks("DTSTask_DTSSendMailTask_1").CustomTask

     ' Set Subject to the Package Name

     oSendMailTask.Subject = oPkg.Name

     ' Set Message Text, including a global variable value

     oSendMailTask.MessageText = "Dummy Text." & vbCrLf & _

      "MyGlobalVariable Value :" & DTSGlobalVariables("gvtest").Value

     ' Set the attachement to the file of the named connection

     'oSendMailTask.FileAttachments = oPkg.Connections("Text File (Destination)").DataSource

     ' Clean Up

     Set oSendMailTask = Nothing

     Set oTasks = Nothing

     Set oPkg = Nothing

     Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function


    Substitute ServerName and DatabaseName for the connectionstring and TableName for Connection2 destination table.

    Also, use this for windows authentication:

    DSN1 = "Provider=sqloledb;" & _

         "Data Source=TRICAST2;" & _

         "Initial Catalog=Quote;" & _

         "Integrated Security=SSPI"

    this for sql authentication:

    DSN1 = "Provider=sqloledb;" & _

         "Data Source=TRICAST2;" & _

         "Initial Catalog=Quote;" & _



  • Before the e-mail task >> create a task that counts the number of records and create a text file >> then attach the file to the e-mail.

    KISS >> Keep It Simple Soulutions

    Good Luck..

    Don't count what you do, do what counts.

    SQL Draggon

  • Like I said, its a lot easier to do this in SQL Server.  First the code above won't return the proper data.  You don't want a row count you want the value of the @@rowcount global variable immediately after you execute the insert statement.

    The T-SQL code to do this looks something like this:

    exec xp_startmail (just to make sure its running)

    declare @newrows varchar(5)

    Your insert statement (insert into t2 select * from t1 )

    select @newrows = convert(varchar(5),@@rowcount)

    exec xp_sendmail @recipients = 'you@servername; yourboss@servename,

                     @subject = 'Process Completed',

                     @message = 'Number of rows inserted: ' + @newrows

    That's it.  DBAs sometimes complain about setting up the server to use xp_sendmail, but hey, thats what they get paid for.

  • Thanks for your reply.

    I have created a DDQ that counts the records.

    The transformation is set to Write File.

    I have the correct directory set in the Write File Transformatin Properties,

    the file type is ANSI,

    the File name column is specified and

    Handle existing file is set to "Overwrite if file exists"

    However, the file is not being created.

    I tried to work around by creating the file in the directroy and setting Handle existing file to overwrite, but it does not overwrite.

    Any feedback?


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