August 30, 2016 at 12:23 pm
Jeff Moden (3/15/2016)
tauseef.jan (3/15/2016)
Thankyou so much for the code snippet.But I have a problem, that I have EMPTY(NULL) columns.
because of this the columns in the email get shifted to the left.
Please help to resolve this
Most likely, you'll need to replace the "empty" cells with non-breaking spaces (I forget the HTML entitization code for that but should be easy for you to find).
SET @BODY = ISNULL(@Sintetico,'') + @QuebraN + ISNULL(@ExplodeRJ,'')
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@subject = '',
@body_format = 'HTML'
August 31, 2016 at 10:02 am
tgqthi (8/30/2016)
Jeff Moden (3/15/2016)
tauseef.jan (3/15/2016)
Thankyou so much for the code snippet.But I have a problem, that I have EMPTY(NULL) columns.
because of this the columns in the email get shifted to the left.
Please help to resolve this
Most likely, you'll need to replace the "empty" cells with non-breaking spaces (I forget the HTML entitization code for that but should be easy for you to find).
SET @BODY = ISNULL(@Sintetico,'') + @QuebraN + ISNULL(@ExplodeRJ,'')
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@subject = '',
@body_format = 'HTML'
Pretty sure that won't actually help with empty "Cells" because HTML basically ignores leading/trailing spaces and cells that contain nothing but spaces.
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
November 1, 2016 at 11:40 am
take a look at vsql-email ( this tool is exactly what I needed
December 1, 2016 at 1:33 am
I tend to drop whatever I need to audit from the ETL process into a table, the use a BI tool (in my case, SSRS or Cognos) to produce and send a report
That said, I was aware but had never really played around with e-mailing with formatting
Just used the ideas presented here (initial plus some of the discussed alternatives) to produce a useful report that runs part way through my ETL build
- Damian
December 20, 2016 at 10:58 pm
In previous example is very useful
But I have one new requirement of order by color what we get using below case.
i.e order by '#A3E0FF' OR
i.e Order by '#8ED1FB'
December 21, 2016 at 6:24 am
thakur.bhagat24 (12/20/2016)
In previous example is very usefulBut I have one new requirement of order by color what we get using below case.
i.e order by '#A3E0FF' OR
i.e Order by '#8ED1FB'
you can use Cascading Style Sheets and the nth-child to set the row color of every other row automatically:
<style TYPE="text/css">
tr:nth-child(odd){ background-color:#eee; }
tr:nth-child(even){ background-color:#fff; }
February 16, 2017 at 5:12 am
This was removed by the editor as SPAM
July 13, 2017 at 12:38 am
nakache - Thursday, June 20, 2013 1:35 AMWhy not using CSS?Example:DECLARE @bodyMsg nvarchar(max)DECLARE @subject nvarchar(max)DECLARE @tableHTML nvarchar(max)SET @subject = 'Query Results in HTML with CSS'SET @tableHTML = N'<style type="text/css">#box-table{font-family: "Lucida Sans Unicode", "Lucida Grande", Sans-Serif;font-size: 12px;text-align: center;border-collapse: collapse;border-top: 7px solid #9baff1;border-bottom: 7px solid #9baff1;}#box-table th{font-size: 13px;font-weight: normal;background: #b9c9fe;border-right: 2px solid #9baff1;border-left: 2px solid #9baff1;border-bottom: 2px solid #9baff1;color: #039;}#box-table td{border-right: 1px solid #aabcfe;border-left: 1px solid #aabcfe;border-bottom: 1px solid #aabcfe;color: #669;}tr:nth-child(odd){ background-color:#eee; }tr:nth-child(even){ background-color:#fff; }</style>'+ N'<H3><font color="Red">All Rows From [AdventureWorks].[Sales].[SpecialOffer]</H3>' +N'<table id="box-table" >' +N'<tr><font color="Green"><th>SpecialOfferID</th> <th>Description</th> <th>Type</th> <th>Category</th> <th>StartDate</th> <th>EndDate</th> </tr>' +CAST ( ( SELECT td = CAST([SpecialOfferID] AS VARCHAR(100)),'',td = [Description],'',td = [Type],'',td = [Category] ,'',td = CONVERT(VARCHAR(30),[StartDate],120) ,'',td = CONVERT(VARCHAR(30),[EndDate],120) FROM [AdventureWorks].[Sales].[SpecialOffer]ORDER BY [SpecialOfferID]FOR XML PATH('tr'), TYPE ) AS NVARCHAR(MAX) ) +N'</table>' EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @recipients='',@subject = @subject,@body = @tableHTML,@body_format = 'HTML' ;Result:
nakache, thanks for your help, I did not know SQL supports for CSS. I was editing all the HMTL tags from the beginning for each code. This saved my time bro.
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