Email Address Validation

  • Hi,

    I am using the below function to validate the email address

    ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[udf_ValidateEmail] (@email varChar(255))

    RETURNS bit







    When @Email is null then 0 --NULL Email is invalid

    Whencharindex(' ', @email) <> 0 or--Check for invalid character

    charindex('/', @email) <> 0 or --Check for invalid character

    charindex(':', @email) <> 0 or --Check for invalid character

    charindex(';', @email) <> 0 then 0 --Check for invalid character

    When len(@Email)-1 <= charindex('.', @Email) then 0--check for '%._' at end of string

    When @Email like '%@%@%'or

    @Email Not Like '%@%.%' then 0--Check for duplicate @ or invalid format

    Else 1




    but it is not validating whether i have .com/.org/.net/

    which means it should have to check i must have domain name after dot(.)

    please help me on validating the email address

  • wondering no reply for this. Anyhow Finally i ended up with writing CLR function to achieve this.

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