Efficient way to determine if a criteria is met

  • Hi, I am trying to find out an efficient way to determine if employee meets a criteria. We have employee table that has following information

    Company, Empno, Level1, Level2, Level3, Level4, Level5

    we have criteria table as follows

    GridId Type TypeValue NextGridId

    0001 Level1 ABC 0002

    0002 Level2 123 0003

    0003 Level3 A12 0004

    So, I wrote a scalar value function to loop through each record and if employee has TypeValue in the employee table for all the records in the criteria table, the employee meets the criteria.

    But if I want to do this for say 100 employees, it is not efficient to call the function for each employee. Any ideas on how to make it efficient?



  • Sridhar-137443 (2/19/2015)

    Hi, I am trying to find out an efficient way to determine if employee meets a criteria. We have employee table that has following information

    Company, Empno, Level1, Level2, Level3, Level4, Level5

    we have criteria table as follows

    GridId Type TypeValue NextGridId

    0001 Level1 ABC 0002

    0002 Level2 123 0003

    0003 Level3 A12 0004

    So, I wrote a scalar value function to loop through each record and if employee has TypeValue in the employee table for all the records in the criteria table, the employee meets the criteria.

    But if I want to do this for say 100 employees, it is not efficient to call the function for each employee. Any ideas on how to make it efficient?



    I think we need more info here.

    The link between your two tables is unclear.

    Please post DDL, sample data and desired results as per the link in my signature.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
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    The absence of consumable DDL, sample data and desired results is, however, evidence of the absence of my response
    - Phil Parkin

  • A Table-Valued function would be much more efficient than a scalar function. I agree we need a bit more information on how your tables are related.

  • I would add to this that we'll probably need to know what values are stored in the Leveln columns of the employee table.

    DDL and consumable sample data (INSERTs) would probably get you a tested solution rapidly.

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