editing query in Data Transform Task of DTS -- gives screen invalid mappings,create new mappings

  • I created a dts based on this article


    In my case i have destination as text file instead of excel file. The dts works fine but the problem is that whenever i try to changee the query, the data transform task gives error saying invalid column mappings, edit, create new. All I am changign is the jsut an an ORDER by clause in query. I clicked on transformation tab and deleted previous setting and selected copy column transformation. Since I dont want any transformations as its just a copy of columns from query to the text file, I didnt create any but i get error saying sequential 1 to 1 mapping of source to dest or shouldnt be no mapping at all. In the copy column screen in source tab , all columns from query are shown on LHS..RHS IS empty... in dest tab both lhs & rhs are empty...

    can u tell me what iam i doign wrong here..

    by the way, i had typed a bunch of things and clicked post but all i got was empty screen and the post wasnt posted..had to retype this again...ahhhhhhhh so much pain today....

  • ok.. I was trying diff options and here is what I found out... when iam querying using single table then no matter how many times I change transformation and create copy column transformation it works fine...i.e. after i click test button on Transformations tab... problem is coming when I have a join condition in the query and that too when i select columns from both the tables. For example this doesnt work...

    select employee.employee_no,employee_address.primary_city from employee

    join employee_address on

    employee.employee_no = employee_address.employee_no

    Error message>>>>>>



    A DTSTransformCopy must specify no columns (signifying a sequential 1-to-1 mapping of all columns) or the same number of source and destination columns.

    but if i remove the second column in this query i.e employee_address.primary_city then it works fine....

    any ideas guys...

    Thanks in advance

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