Easy question---Index defrag timeout

  • We have a very large table (Over 40 million records) with a clustered and non-clustered index.

    When I try to run the DBCC Index defrag utility against this table, it times out.

    Is their an option I need to set to get around this problem?

    Thanks for any help.



    When the snows fall and the white winds blow,The lone wolf dies but the pack survives.

    Once you've accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you.

  • Could you change the default timeout value?

  • Please provide details.

    When the snows fall and the white winds blow,The lone wolf dies but the pack survives.

    Once you've accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you.

  • Hi,

    Not sure this will help... Are you calling the command from SQL Query Analyzer? If so there is an option to set the Query timeout, is this set to 0 on your machine? If not then set that.

    Hope this helps!

    Peter Gadsby

    Peter Gadsby
    Business Intelligence Consultant

  • An index defrag is an online opperation so I'm curious as to where the timeout is comming from.  How long does it run before you get a timeout?  An index defrag should also be giving you progress messages as to the percent of work it has completed.  How much of the table gets defrag'd before it times out?  What is the exact message you are getting?

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • HI,

    A very simple test... I created a temporary table started  a transaction inserted some data and on another session tried the DBCC INDEXDEFRAG and I got a lock ....

    Session 1


    INSERT  into WIBBLE values('a')

    select * from wibble (tablock)

    Session 2

    dbcc indexdefrag(scratch,WIBBLE,IX_A)

    The DBCC INDEXDEFRAG was waiting for me to rollback or commit a transaction. So to make sure you haven't got a lock run sp_who2 whilst the process is running


    Peter Gadsby


    Peter Gadsby
    Business Intelligence Consultant

  • Right, DBCC INDEXDEFRAG must lock portions of the table in order to defrag the index.  If you use a tablock hint, you are locking the entire table, thereby preventing DBCC INDEXDEFRAG from being able to lock portions of the index to start it's defragging.  The original poster spoke of the INDEXDEFRAG operation timing out, did your test give you a timeout error?  The original poster also noted that his table has 40 Million rows, which tells me that DBCC INDEXDEFRAG should be able to be working on the table online.  If he has a process that is getting a table lock on a 40 Million row table, he's got problems!

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • The query timeout was set to 600 seconds.  I set it to 0 and reran the defrag.  It has been running for about an hour and is 98% done.  Problem solved.

    When the snows fall and the white winds blow,The lone wolf dies but the pack survives.

    Once you've accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you.

  • I spoke too soon.  The entire process took 4 hours.

    We really need to look at archiving.  At least it didn't

    time out.

    When the snows fall and the white winds blow,The lone wolf dies but the pack survives.

    Once you've accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you.

  • Hi John,

    My test did give a timeout error, what I was trying to say by showing this was that another process may have been table locking and that was causing his DBCC index defrag to take ages...


    Peter Gadsby

    Peter Gadsby
    Business Intelligence Consultant

  • The database I used did not have any conflicts.  However, it is a bit underpowered and 40 million rows is huge.  

    When the snows fall and the white winds blow,The lone wolf dies but the pack survives.

    Once you've accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you.

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