January 24, 2014 at 12:57 pm
I searched online everywhere and could not find the answer to this.
I have an OLE DB Source with a query that outputs 1000-8000 rows. I need each individual row to be outputted into a .txt file.
Is this even possible?
January 24, 2014 at 1:23 pm
if this is a one time report/export, you can select the data in ssms and chose results to text instead of to grid.
bcp.exe or sqlcmd, either using the -o parameter, are designed for exactly that: outputting data to a file, delimiting columns by a specified character (comma, tab,space, yourchoice)and rows by a specified character(s) (CrLf =\n, for example )
you have to be careful if your exported data contains CrLf, of course, but that's how we do it:
dump your oledb source into a global temp table, for example, and then bcp it out.
--only global temp tables can be exported, so move a results of a complex query into a global, then export
Select PatientDisplayID as 'Client ID', ISNULL(SugarEntryCount,0) as 'BG Count',
ISNULL(CarbsEntryCount,0) as 'Carb Count', ISNULL(MedsEntryCount,0) as 'Med Count'
FROM #temp_patients
EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'bcp "SELECT * FROM ##PIPE_REPORT " queryout C:\Data\Objects.txt -t"|" -c -T '
DROP TABLE #temp_patients
January 24, 2014 at 2:09 pm
Is it possible to do this without using xp_cmdshell?
My dba's will not allow it :/
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