Dynamically Set Destination Servers - More than one!

  • I posted the following post in DTS forum, but got no replies so posting here, in case anyone can help out from this forum! Thanks.


    Following is the goal I am trying to achieve:

    Table: tSQLServers

    Fields: ServerName, ServerTypeID, IsActive

    DTS Package: MyDTS with Conn1 and Conn2 and a SQL Task that executes a SQL Job. Conn1 will be static connection querying a table to get SQL SERVER names out and assign each to Conn2 so long WHERE conditions match until the table is empty.

    SQL using Conn1:

    SELECT ServerName

    FROM tSQLServers

    WHERE ServerTypeID = 2 AND IsActive = 1

    Assign the ServerName to Conn2 and run the job in SQL Task in each server coming out of the above SQL SELECT statement.

    I know this can be done using a combination of ActiveX Script and Global Variables or Dynamic Properties and Global Variables, but not sure of the exact syntax and logical order. Has anyone done this before? Can you suggest a simple way of getting Server names out of a table and put it into an array or (want to avoid use of cursors) something similar if necessary then iterate through the resultset and assign each server name from the resultset to a SQL Server connection object (Conn2 in my case) then run SQL Task for each new Conn2 server name until resultset is EOF? Basically, the DESTINATION connection should dynamically be set to a SQL Server from the SELECT query above, which returns more than one Server Name in the resultset.

    I am having trouble finding the exact logic so if you can help or direct, that'd be great.


  • The are probably a half dozen different ways to do this, but here's 1.

    This article will help: http://www.databasejournal.com/features/mssql/article.php/1459181

    You create 2 packages and 1 stored proc. The outer package queries your [tSQLServers] table. The stored proc uses the code in the above article to execute a DTS package. You use the results of the query in your outer package to call the stored proc repeatedly, passing the connection server name in as a parameter. The inner package takes the passed DTS global variable containing the passed-in server name and sets it's connection property via an initial ActiveX script task.

    It ain't pretty ...



  • This kind of problems may be easier when SQL Server 2005 arrives. In sqlcmd (the 'replacement' for isql/osql) command utility, you can connect to more than one server within the same batch.


  • I understood all ther parts of your post more or less, but I am not clear as to how I use the 'results of my outer package...' Say I have a SQL Task with following SQL:

    SELECT ServerName

    FROM tSQLServers

    WHERE ServerTypeID = 2 AND IsActive = 1

    Then what?? I can even fire the execute for the OLE SPROC for each server from my resultset, but how to build a resultset is where I am stuck! If I use a GV or OUTPUT or any kind of PARAM it only stores one value from the above SELECT unlike fetching the resultset in a cursor or array like storage space! Could you please clarify how I get the whole list of servers out of my resultset and then pass each one to the OLE SPROC in that artical and execute the inner package with each server name from the resultset until the list is empty?



  • I found a script that I manipulated to suite my needs, but not sure if it is what I was looking for and if it's valid so I'd appreicate if you can comment on the logic and see if it serves the purpose listed above in this thread?? Thanks!!


    '  Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    Function Main()

    Dim ADOcon

    Dim ADOrst

    Dim strSQL1

    Dim strSQL2

    Dim DestCon

    Set ADOcon = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    Set ADOrst = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    ADOcon.Provider = "sqloledb"

    ADOcon.Properties("Data Source").Value = "(MySQL1\I1)"

    ADOcon.Properties("Initial Catalog").Value ="MyMaint"

    ADOcon.Properties("User ID").Value ="Domain\User"

    ADOcon.Properties("Password").Value ="MyPWD"



    ADOcon.Open strConnection

    strSQL1 = " SELECT  ServerName" &_

    " FROM  tSQLServers S " &_

    " WHERE  S.ServerTypeID = 2 AND S.IsActive = 1 "

    ADOrst.Open strSQL1, ADOcon

    Do while not ADOrst.EOF

    DTSGlobalVariables("gv_SQLServer").Value = TRIM(ADOrst.Fields("ServerName"))

    Set DestCon = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    DestCon.Provider = "sqloledb"

    DestCon.Properties("Data Source").Value = DTSGlobalVariables("gv_SQLServer").Value

    DestCon.Properties("Initial Catalog").Value ="MSDB"

    DestCon.Properties("User ID").Value ="Domain\User"

    DestCon.Properties("Password").Value ="MyPWD"



    DestCon.Open strConnection

    strSQL2 = " msdb..sp_start_job 'Check Mail' "

    DestCon.Execute strSQL2





    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

  • If anyone interested in knowing how I resolved and implemented the question in this thread, here it is:

    Table: tSQLServers

    Lists SQL Server names and other related fields.

    SPROC: usp_get_SQLServers

    Queries tSQLServers for ServerName (row by row processing, but no cursor use) and runs EXEC dbo.spExec_DTS_CheckMailOutage passing necessary variables. The EXEC spExec_DTS_CheckMailOutage is issued as many times as there are Servers in tSQLServers table matching WHERE clause.

    CREATE PROCEDURE usp_get_SQLServers



    Name:  dbo.usp_get_SQLServers

    Purpose: Queries tSQLServers for ServerName (row by row processing) and runs EXEC dbo.spExec_DTS_CheckMailOutage

      passing necessary variables. The EXEC spExec_DTS_CheckMailOutage is issued as many times as there are

      Servers in tSQLServers table matching WHERE clause.

    Author:  JN

    Created: 10/7/2005

    Tested:  10/7/2005, 4PM on Stage SQL Servers


    -*-*-*-  REVISIONS  -*-*-*-






    DECLARE @SQLServer_Count INT,

    @sqlserver VARCHAR (30)

    SET @SQLServer_Count = 0

      SELECT  ServerName INTO #tmpSQLServer

      FROM   dbo.tSQLServers S

      WHERE  S.ServerTypeID = 2 AND S.IsActive = 1

    WHILE @SQLServer_Count < (SELECT COUNT(*)

         FROM dbo.tSQLServers S

         WHERE S.ServerTypeID = 2 AND S.IsActive = 1



      SELECT TOP 1 @sqlserver = ServerName  From #tmpSQLServer

     -- EXEC spExec_DTS_CheckMailOutage 'SQL Server where DTS is', 'DTS Package Name', SQL Server Security Level, 'DTS Global Variable Name', Destination SQL Server to run the job in.


      EXEC dbo.spExec_DTS_CheckMailOutage 'SQL8DS1\I1', 'Check_Mail_Outage_TEST1', 1, 'gvSQLServer', @sqlserver

      DELETE FROM #tmpSQLServer WHERE ServerName = @sqlserver

      SET @sqlserver = NULL


      SET @SQLServer_Count = @SQLServer_Count + 1


    DROP TABLE #tmpSQLServer


    SPROC1: spExec_DTS_CheckMailOutage

    Receives necessary variable values from dbo.usp_get_SQLServers SPROC and Execute DTS "Check_Mail_Outage_TEST1" via sp_OAxxxx specifying one DTS Global Variable. Original content courtesy of Database Journal site (referred by PW) - http://www.databasejournal.com/features/mssql/article.php/10894_1459181_3. Modified to suite my needs.

    DTS Package: Check_Mail_Outage_TEST1 (residing on MySQLServer\I1)

    DTS executed from within spExec_DTS_CheckMailOutage SPROC, which feeds a value to gvSQLServer global variable. This package executes JOB msdb..sp_start_job 'Check Mail Outage' in Destination SQL Server set by gvSQLServer to verify if SQL Agent and Mail Services are working properly as expected. The SQL in the JOB sends two e-mails to SQL@MYDomain.com mail group results of the mail verification job stating success or failure.

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