Dynamically change the occurrence of columns in a table

  • Hi,

    I have the follo specification

    Table --


    A , 1 , 10 , 5

    B , 2 , 20 , 15

    A , 1 , 10 , 15

    B , 2 , 5 , 10

    Now, I need to display something like this..

    ITEM QTY1 JAN QTY2 JAN QTY1 FEB QTY2 FEB ...........for 12 months.

    A 20 (10+10) 20(5+15) 0 0

    B 0 0 15 15

    NOTE: Braces given for explanation. Actual report does'nt have brackets and the values inside it.i.e., under qty1 jan there is just 20 and 0 for A and B resp..

    So, I have done it using case and group by.

    Now, I need this columns to be changed dynamically, meaning, the user is given an option of selecting the month. Say, if the user selected FEB 2009 , then the report should have follo columns..

    ITEM QTY1FEB2009 QTY2FEB2009 QTY1MAR2009 QTY2MAR2009 QTY1APR2009 QTY2APR2009........till.. QTY1JAN2010 QTY2JAN2010

    Also, right now, the column headers just show a static value. Is there any way where we can change the column headers with the month and year value.


  • sugsam

    To get a tested answer please post table definition, sample data, and what you have already done, following the methods listed in the article whose link is the first link in my signature block. ("Please help us, help you -before posting a question please read" )

    That said, have you considered using pivot ? Here is a good starting point to determine if that will satisfy your requirements


    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


    Please help us, help you -before posting a question please read[/url]
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  • Thanks for the guidance Ron.

    Here is a better one.

    create table order_rep (itemno varchar(10), mnth int, year int, ordermade int)

    insert into order_rep values('ABC',1,2009, 5)

    insert into order_rep values('ABC',2,2009, 6)

    insert into order_rep values('ABC',1,2009, 10)

    insert into order_rep values('ABC',4,2009, 5)

    insert into order_rep values('ABC',5,2009, 7)

    insert into order_rep values('ABC',2,2009, 5)

    insert into order_rep values('ABC',1,2009, 4)

    insert into order_rep values('ABC',6,2009, 15)

    insert into order_rep values('ABC',8,2009, 8)

    insert into order_rep values('ABC',3,2010, 5)

    insert into order_rep values('ABC',5,2010, 7)

    insert into order_rep values('ABC',12,2010, 5)

    insert into order_rep values('ABC',11,2010, 4)

    insert into order_rep values('ABC',1,2010, 7)

    insert into order_rep values('ABC',5,2010, 5)

    insert into order_rep values('XYZ',2,2009, 6)

    insert into order_rep values('XYZ',4,2009, 7)

    insert into order_rep values('XYZ',2,2009, 4)

    insert into order_rep values('XYZ',3,2009, 5)

    insert into order_rep values('XYZ',5,2009, 7)

    insert into order_rep values('XYZ',12,2009, 12)

    insert into order_rep values('XYZ',11,2009, 4)

    insert into order_rep values('XYZ',1,2009, 9)

    insert into order_rep values('XYZ',5,2009, 4)

    insert into order_rep values('XYZ',3,2009, 5)

    insert into order_rep values('XYZ',4,2010, 7)

    insert into order_rep values('XYZ',1,2010, 1)

    insert into order_rep values('XYZ',4,2010, 4)

    insert into order_rep values('XYZ',2,2010, 9)

    insert into order_rep values('XYZ',5,2010, 4)

    insert into order_rep values('MNO',1,2009, 5)

    insert into order_rep values('MNO',3,2009, 6)

    insert into order_rep values('MNO',5,2009, 8)

    insert into order_rep values('MNO',12,2009, 23)

    insert into order_rep values('MNO',9,2009, 45)

    insert into order_rep values('MNO',5,2009, 3)

    insert into order_rep values('MNO',1,2009, 5)

    insert into order_rep values('MNO',4,2009, 3)

    insert into order_rep values('MNO',3,2009, 9)

    insert into order_rep values('MNO',3,2010, 5)

    insert into order_rep values('MNO',5,2010, 7)

    insert into order_rep values('MNO',12,2010, 12)

    insert into order_rep values('MNO',11,2010, 4)

    insert into order_rep values('MNO',1,2010, 9)

    insert into order_rep values('MNO',5,2010, 4)

    --> Query used in the report

    select itemno,

    sum(case when (mnth = 1 and year=2009) then ordermade end) as jan,

    sum(case when (mnth = 2 and year=2009) then ordermade end) as feb,

    sum(case when (mnth = 3 and year=2009) then ordermade end) as mar,

    sum(case when (mnth = 4 and year=2009) then ordermade end) as apr,

    sum(case when (mnth = 5 and year=2009) then ordermade end) as may,

    sum(case when (mnth = 6 and year=2009) then ordermade end) as jun,

    sum(case when (mnth = 7 and year=2009) then ordermade end) as jul,

    sum(case when (mnth = 8 and year=2009) then ordermade end) as aug,

    sum(case when (mnth = 9 and year=2009) then ordermade end) as sep,

    sum(case when (mnth = 10 and year=2009) then ordermade end) as oct,

    sum(case when (mnth = 11 and year=2009) then ordermade end) as nov,

    sum(case when (mnth = 12 and year=2009) then ordermade end) as dec

    from order_rep

    group by itemno






    NEEDED RESULT:In the report, the user can select the Month, Year & Interval.

    Eg, Feb, 2009, yearly. In this case, it should print the sum of orders from Feb2009 to Jan2010. Other user options may be,

    FEB, 2009, Half-Yearly->FEB2009MAR2009APR2009MAY2009JUN2009JUL2009

    FEB, 2009, Quarterly-->FEB2009MAR2009APR2009

    FEB, 2009, Monthly -->FEB2009

    REPORT DATA includes data for the years, 2000-2015. SO IT CAN BE ANY YEAR IN BETWEEN.

  • Hello,

    your query can be rewritten using PIVOT as

    SELECT *

    FROM (

    SELECT ItemNo

    , cast(Year as varchar(4)) + ' ' + CONVERT(varchar(3), dateadd(m, mnth, -1), 107) as MnthName

    , OrderMade

    FROM Order_rep

    ) P

    PIVOT (


    FOR MnthName IN ([2009 Apr], [2009 May], [2009 Jun], [2009 Jul], [2009 Aug])

    ) AS PVT

    If the end user can fix start date and interval then you should construct the FOR clause dynamically.



  • It is good practice to use an appropriate type to represent a date, ie DATETIME or DATE (in 2008), rather than split it into it's component parts.

    In your case when you want to represent just a month then the column should have a constraint to ensure it has a zero time component and a 1 for the day component.

    CREATE TABLE SomeTable(

    [TheMonth] [datetime] NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    ALTER TABLE SomeTable





    ((datepart(day,[TheMonth])=(1) AND

    datepart(hour,[TheMonth])=(0) AND

    datepart(minute,[TheMonth])=(0) AND

    datepart(second,[TheMonth])=(0) AND



  • I have come up with a solution for this scenario. Its working perfectly. Also, it does'nt take too much of time unlike pivot table.

    Since, I need the user to select the month and year. I need to generate a dynamic set of columns. So what I did is, instead of one set of casing, I have two set of casing.

    1st set - 1st Year

    2nd set - 2nd year.

    Also, user has the ability to select the duration. Say 3/6/9/12 months.

    So, when user selected May 2009 and 12 months.

    1st set holds records from May - Dec and 2nd set holds records from Jan - Apr. I've made the rest of the columns as invisible if it holds no records. So now I can see the records from May 2009 - Apr 2010.

    Duration calculation is done with a little bit of logical calculations. So everything is working fine.

    Thanks for all the suggestions. It definitely contributed in some way or the other. 😎

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