November 7, 2017 at 3:35 am
Ok, I don't like this solution, in fact, I really dislike it, but here's what I have... it works for the data you supplied, but you're likely going to need to do tweaks.
This produces the following HTML:
Which makes a table looking like this:
If there's any parts you don't under stand, please ask, however, it's likely that I'm only going to be able to supply a limited amount of trouble shooting. You're going to need to do that yourself.
Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.
November 7, 2017 at 3:41 am
Thom A - Tuesday, November 7, 2017 3:35 AMOk, I don't like this solution, in fact, I really dislike it, but here's what I have... it works for the data you supplied, but you'll likely going to need to do tweaks.--DECLARE HTML VariableDECLARE @TableHTML nvarchar(max);--Start Table markupSET @TableHTML = N'<table border="1">' + NCHAR(10);--DECLARE a dynamic SQL variableDECLARE @SQL varchar(max);/*These are your RowHeadings. This needs to have the following:1. The sequence you want the heading to appear2. The name of the Row Heading.3. The name of the column it represents in the table. These SHOULD be quoted, i jsut have not bohtered.4. because date(time)s can look crap, a format for your dates. Leave as NULL for non-date(time)s values.*/WITH RowHeadings AS (SELECT *FROM (VALUES (1,'Bill Run','BillRun',NULL),(2,'Bill Date','bill_date',106),(3,'Invoice Count','invoice_count',NULL),(4,'Billed Days','BilledDays',NULL),(5,'Aged Billed Days','AgedBilledDays',NULL),(6,'Min Invoice Due','MinInvoiceDue',NULL),(7,'Max Invoice Due','MaxInvoiceDue',NULL),(8,'Total Current Invoice Changes (Inv VAT)','TotalCurrentInvoiceChargesIncVat',NULL),(9,'Total Due (Inc VAT)','TotalDueIncVat',NULL),(10,'VDD Payment Date','VDDPaymentDate',106)) RH (RowNum, Heading, ColumName, DateConv))--Create the Dynamic SQLSELECT @SQL = REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(STUFF((SELECT ' + ''<tr>' + CHAR(10) + '<td>' + RH.Heading + '</td>'' +' + CHAR(10) +'(SELECT CHAR(10) + ''<td>'' + CONVERT(varchar(50),' + RH.ColumName + CASE WHEN RH.DateConv IS NOT NULL THEN ',' + CONVERT(varchar(3), RH.DateConv) ELSE '' END + ') + ''</td>''FROM #test_dataORDER BY BillRun ASCFOR XML PATH('''')) + CHAR(10) + ''<tr>'' + CHAR(10)'FROM RowHeadings RHORDER BY RH.RowNum--Lots of replacement for escape characters!FOR XML PATH ('')),1,3,''),'>','>'),'<','<'),' ',CHAR(10));--Add Select at the startSET @SQL = 'SELECT ' + @SQL;--We need to put the value into a table, so we can assign it to a variableCREATE TABLE #TempHTML (HTML nvarchar(max));--insert into the tableINSERT INTO #TempHTMLEXEC (@SQL);--Put it all togetherSET @TableHTML = @TableHTML + REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE((SELECT HTML FROM #TempHTML),'>','>'),'<','<'),' ',CHAR(10)) + CHAR(10) + '</table>';--And Print!PRINT @TableHTML;--Drop the temporary TableDROP TABLE #TempHTML;GOThis produces the following HTML:
<table border="1"><tr><td>Bill Run</td><td>369873</td><td>369874</td><td>369875</td><td>369876</td><td>369877</td><td>369878</td><td>369879</td><tr><tr><td>Bill Date</td><td>07 Nov 2017</td><td>07 Nov 2017</td><td>07 Nov 2017</td><td>07 Nov 2017</td><td>07 Nov 2017</td><td>07 Nov 2017</td><td>07 Nov 2017</td><tr><tr><td>Invoice Count</td><td>6</td><td>6</td><td>3</td><td>5</td><td>9</td><td>11</td><td>1</td><tr><tr><td>Billed Days</td><td>3047</td><td>2181</td><td>2931</td><td>6089</td><td>5126</td><td>3485</td><td>855</td><tr><tr><td>Aged Billed Days</td><td>27390</td><td>27390</td><td>27390</td><td>27390</td><td>27390</td><td>27390</td><td>27390</td><tr><tr><td>Min Invoice Due</td><td>-261.24</td><td>-283.24</td><td>-184.63</td><td>-149.89</td><td>-384.76</td><td>-577.76</td><td>605.27</td><tr><tr><td>Max Invoice Due</td><td>0.03</td><td>0.03</td><td>4270.84</td><td>2218.31</td><td>2403.05</td><td>3108.78</td><td>605.27</td><tr><tr><td>Total Current Invoice Changes (Inv VAT)</td><td>1901.24</td><td>1623.24</td><td>4379.66</td><td>3059.52</td><td>3477.56</td><td>7870.38</td><td>159.95</td><tr><tr><td>Total Due (Inc VAT)</td><td>-417.61</td><td>-834.61</td><td>6438</td><td>2039.23</td><td>3079.47</td><td>4432.59</td><td>605.27</td><tr><tr><td>VDD Payment Date</td><td>07 Nov 2017</td><td>07 Nov 2017</td><td>07 Nov 2017</td><td>07 Nov 2017</td><td>07 Nov 2017</td><td>07 Nov 2017</td><td>07 Nov 2017</td><tr></table>Which makes a table looking like this:
If there's any parts you don't under stand, please ask, however, it's likely that I'm only going to be able to supply a limited amount of trouble shooting. You're going to need to do that yourself.
Thanks Thom, will give it a go.
November 7, 2017 at 4:59 am
Why do you need to know how many columns though? If you just add the tags for the row at the beginning and end of your SELECT, and add tags for each cell around each field in the SELECT, then SQL will just spit out a formatted HTML table?
Please follow Best Practices For Posting On Forums to receive quicker and higher quality responses
November 7, 2017 at 5:03 am
jonathan.crawford - Tuesday, November 7, 2017 4:59 AMWhy do you need to know how many columns though? If you just add the tags for the row at the beginning and end of your SELECT, and add tags for each cell around each field in the SELECT, then SQL will just spit out a formatted HTML table?
It's not really the number of columns, but the number of rows in the table, as the OP wants their data pivoted.
Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.
November 7, 2017 at 5:04 am
jonathan.crawford - Tuesday, November 7, 2017 4:59 AMWhy do you need to know how many columns though? If you just add the tags for the row at the beginning and end of your SELECT, and add tags for each cell around each field in the SELECT, then SQL will just spit out a formatted HTML table?
When selecting from the pivoted table, if there are four columns with data columns then I need to say that no?
e.g header, 1, 2, 3, 4
November 7, 2017 at 8:16 am
Thom A - Tuesday, November 7, 2017 3:44 AM70712 - Tuesday, November 7, 2017 3:41 AMThanks Thom, will give it a go.Noticed a slight error (I hadn't closed my <tr>'s). I've edited my post.
Thom, this looks to be working perfectly, Thank you so very much for your help.
November 7, 2017 at 8:22 am
70712 - Tuesday, November 7, 2017 8:16 AMThom, this looks to be working perfectly, Thank you so very much for your help.
Glad to hear it's working. Does it make sense to you?
Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.
November 7, 2017 at 8:25 am
Thom A - Tuesday, November 7, 2017 8:22 AM70712 - Tuesday, November 7, 2017 8:16 AMThom, this looks to be working perfectly, Thank you so very much for your help.Glad to hear it's working. Does it make sense to you?
In parts, I'm currently going through trying to understand fully.
November 8, 2017 at 10:14 am
70712 - Tuesday, November 7, 2017 5:04 AMjonathan.crawford - Tuesday, November 7, 2017 4:59 AMWhy do you need to know how many columns though? If you just add the tags for the row at the beginning and end of your SELECT, and add tags for each cell around each field in the SELECT, then SQL will just spit out a formatted HTML table?When selecting from the pivoted table, if there are four columns with data columns then I need to say that no?
e.g header, 1, 2, 3, 4
not if you make it dynamic, but Thom's got you covered, I didn't see his post prior to mine before I responded.
Please follow Best Practices For Posting On Forums to receive quicker and higher quality responses
November 8, 2017 at 10:42 am
jonathan.crawford - Wednesday, November 8, 2017 10:14 AM70712 - Tuesday, November 7, 2017 5:04 AMjonathan.crawford - Tuesday, November 7, 2017 4:59 AMWhy do you need to know how many columns though? If you just add the tags for the row at the beginning and end of your SELECT, and add tags for each cell around each field in the SELECT, then SQL will just spit out a formatted HTML table?When selecting from the pivoted table, if there are four columns with data columns then I need to say that no?
e.g header, 1, 2, 3, 4
not if you make it dynamic, but Thom's got you covered, I didn't see his post prior to mine before I responded.
Ha yes, everything is working fine thanks.
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