Dynamic SQL with Inner Join

  • Hi experts,

     How can i use Dynamic SQL with Inner join and Pickup in the Select 

    Please see my below code

    declare @SQLGCLMNLCheckEmailDetails as nvarchar(max),@EmailAddress nvarchar(50),@CheckMNLGCPStatus as varchar(50),@checkUserMNLGCP as int,@MNLGCPIDNO as varchar(50)

    set @EmailAddress='freelancer0320@gmail.com'
    set @SQLGCLMNLCheckEmailDetails=' select '+@CheckMNLGCPStatus+'=A.status,
                     from hvdc01.gcp.dbo.tblaccount A
                     inner join hvdc01.gcp.dbo.tblAccntTransaction B
                     on A.IDNO=B.IDNO
                     inner join hvdc01.gcp.dbo.tblFianceeTemp C
                     --on C.IDNO=B.TRID
                     on C.EMEMADDR=A.EMAIL
                     inner join hvdc01.gcp.dbo.tblBarcode D
                     on D.TRID=C.IDNO
                     where A.EMAIL='+@EmailAddress+'
                     group by A.status ,d.trid'
                     exec (@SQLGCLMNLCheckEmailDetails);

    Hope you can  help me.

    Thanks and Best Regards

  • Can you provide sample tables and data on a consumable format as well as desired output.

    although I think I know what you are after the above will not work if I am correct so I do not wish to make assumptions.

    On another note you should review your code as using 4 naming convention is not advisable (neither is 3). For that purpose you should use a mix of synonyms/views.

  • Please also print the value of @SQLGCLMNLCheckEmailDetails, not just do an exec(). Look at the code and see if it looks correct. If it doesnt' execute, then give us the error and we can help.

  • I suggest against string concatenation like that as well, for your dynamic SQL.Personally, i suggest using QUOTENAME and checking for the existence of the column(s) in sys.columns. As for @EmailAddress, you should be using a parametrised SQL for that.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Ok, firstly, an explanation of what i've done below.

    Firstly, I've added the PRINT statement that Steve mentioned; aka your best friend. Printing the value of your dynamic SQL is incredibly useful, as you can copy the code that was run and debug that first.

    Next, one of my biggest pet peeves's, your aliasing... "A" for account, good, but "D" is for Barcode and "B" is for "AccntTransaction"? Doesn't Barcode begin with a "B"? Use good, and consistent aliasing; using things like A, B, C, D, or T1, T2, T3, etc is just asking for problems. What happens if you change the order of the tables, let's say you put FinanceeTemp as your 4th object and Barcode as your 3rd, do you go through as re-alias everything in your SELECT because "C" is for Barcode now? It doesn't make sense. Aaron Bertrand did a great article on this in his Bad Habits to Kick articles.

    Next, I've changed the way you've aliased your columns. You had the line '+@checkUserMNLGCP+'=count(A.EMAIL),, however, @checkUserMNLGCP is an int. On it's own (a numeric data type) + (any non-numeric string) = error; this is most likely why your dynamic SQL is failing. Even, however, if you were to CAST/CONVERT your int value, it would still fail; you can't start a column's name with a numeric without quoting it. Try these:
    SELECT 1 = 'a'; --errors
    SELECT 'a' AS 1; --errors
    SELECT 1a = 'a'; --errors
    SELECT 'a' AS 1a; --errors
    SELECT [1] = 'a'; --Good!
    SELECT 'a' AS [1]; --Good!
    SELECT a1 = 'a'; --Good!
    SELECT 'a' AS a1; --Good!

    In my solution, however, I've used the AS syntax, rather that the [name] = [value] syntax. It you're using a numeric value for a column I think that something like [1] = COUNT(A.EMAIL) would seem very confusing.

    You'll also notice I've parametrised the SQL properly; I've not injected the value of @EmailAddress into the dynamic SQL. Then, instead, I use sp_executesql to pass the value of @EmailAddress to the parameter @dEmailAddress in the dynamic SQL. This gives the final result below:

    DECLARE @SQLGCLMNLCheckEmailDetails as nvarchar(max),
       @EmailAddress nvarchar(50),
       @CheckMNLGCPStatus as varchar(50),
       @checkUserMNLGCP as int,
       @MNLGCPIDNO as varchar(50);
    SET @EmailAddress = N'freelancer0320@gmail.com'; --A nvarchar's string should be preceded with an N, otherwise it's a varchar
    SET @SQLGCLMNLCheckEmailDetails =
      N'SELECT A.Status AS ' + QUOTENAME(@CheckMNLGCPStatus) + N',' + NCHAR(10) +
      N'    COUNT(A.EMAIL) AS ' + QUOTENAME(@checkUserMNLGCP) + N',' + NCHAR(10) + --This seems like a bad idea, @checkUserMNLGCP is an int,
    --and returning a column name made of only numbers,
    --or starting with a number, is bad practice.
      N'    B.trid AS ' + QUOTENAME(@MNLGCPIDNO) + NCHAR(10) + --Note the alias change
      N'FROM hvdc01.gcp.dbo.tblaccount A' + NCHAR(10) +
      N'   INNER JOIN hvdc01.gcp.dbo.tblAccntTransaction AT ON A.IDNO = AT.ITNO' + NCHAR(10) + --Note the alias change
    --Also, is this table needed? You don't reference it again
      N'  INNER JOIN hvdc01.gcp.dbo.tblFianceeTemp FT ON A.EMAIL = FT.EMEMADDR' + NCHAR(10) + --Note the alias change
      N'  INNER JOIN hvdc01.gcp.dbo.tblBarcode B ON FT.IDNO = B.TRID' + NCHAR(10) + --Note the alias change
      N'WHERE A.Email = @dEmailAddress' + NCHAR(10) +
      N'GROUP BY A.status,' + NCHAR(10) +
      N'    B.trid;';
    PRINT @SQLGCLMNLCheckEmailDetails; --your best friend
    EXEC sp_executesql @SQLGCLMNLCheckEmailDetails, N'@dEmailAddress nvarchar(50)', @dEmailAddress = @EmailAddress;

    Of course, I can't test the above, so you'll need to test it. Make sure you understand it though, if you don't, them ask about it.

    P.s. I still hate pasting into SSC, and hence why i didn't use the Code IFMarkup for the main code, as all my formatting would be lost and it's impossible to fix if you don't use a font that's fixed width.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • OP seems to be gone.

    I didn't post any idea or sugestion as I believe that what the OP is trying to achive is to execute the sql and return the values of
    -  A.status - on variable @CheckMNLGCPStatus
    -  count(*a.email) - on variable @checkUserMNLGCP (thus it being a int)
    -  d.trid - on variable @MNLGCPIDNO

    for the records that match the email supplied

    instead of those variables meaning the column names that should be returned from the query.

    Not even taking in consideration that fact that with dynamic sql it can't be built exactly like that, unless the query always returns a single row it won't work as is.

    so really no dynamic sql but rather

    declare @table table
    (CheckMNLGCPStatus varchar(50)
    , checkUserMNLGCP int
    , MNLGCPIDNO varchar(50)
    insert into @table
    select A.status
      , count(A.EMAIL)
      , D.trid
    from hvdc01.gcp.dbo.tblaccount A
    inner join hvdc01.gcp.dbo.tblAccntTransaction B
    on A.IDNO=B.IDNO
    inner join hvdc01.gcp.dbo.tblFianceeTemp C
    --on C.IDNO=B.TRID
    inner join hvdc01.gcp.dbo.tblBarcode D
    on D.TRID=C.IDNO
    where A.EMAIL = @EmailAddress
    group by A.status
       , d.trid

    -- we could return a single row on the variables but if there is more than 1 record it would be probably incorrect to do so
    select top 1
         @CheckMNLGCPStatus = CheckMNLGCPStatus
      , @checkUserMNLGCP = checkUserMNLGCP
    from @table

  • frederico_fonseca - Wednesday, May 30, 2018 5:29 AM

    OP seems to be gone.

    I didn't post any idea or sugestion as I believe that what the OP is trying to achive is to execute the sql and return the values of
    -  A.status - on variable @CheckMNLGCPStatus
    -  count(*a.email) - on variable @checkUserMNLGCP (thus it being a int)
    -  d.trid - on variable @MNLGCPIDNO

    for the records that match the email supplied

    instead of those variables meaning the column names that should be returned from the query.

    Not even taking in consideration that fact that with dynamic sql it can't be built exactly like that, unless the query always returns a single row it won't work as is.

    so really no dynamic sql but rather

    select TOP 1
         @CheckMNLGCPStatus = A.status
      , @checkUserMNLGCP = count(A.EMAIL)
      , @MNLGCPIDNO = D.trid
    from hvdc01.gcp.dbo.tblaccount A
    inner join hvdc01.gcp.dbo.tblAccntTransaction B
    on A.IDNO=B.IDNO
    inner join hvdc01.gcp.dbo.tblFianceeTemp C
    --on C.IDNO=B.TRID
    inner join hvdc01.gcp.dbo.tblBarcode D
    on D.TRID=C.IDNO
    where A.EMAIL = @EmailAddress
    group by A.status
       , d.trid

    I would remove the table variable and leave a single statement.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2

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