Dynamic SQL statement

  • All of you experts out there, I have a question dealing with single quotes in data.

    I'm in the process of tring to determine how to hande single quotes in DTSSource("xxxx") when building a dynamic SQL string that will be used for an ADO Database connection. I created a multiphase data pumb package and in the Transform Failure Phase I built a sql string to write the failed rows to an error table. Some of the DTSSource("xxxxx") contain single quotes that will brake the SQL string. I know that we could use the replace function and replace the single quote with a space or something of that matter. However, I do not believe that would be the best way to handle it. In the following example:

    sSQL = "INSERT INTO [Northwind].[dbo].[OrdersReject]([OrderID], [CustomerID], [EmployeeID], [OrderDate], [RequiredDate], [ShippedDate], [ShipVia], [Freight], [ShipName])"

       sSQL = sSQL & " Values ('" & DTSSource("OrderID") & "', '" & DTSSource("CustomerID")

       sSQL = sSQL &   "', '" & DTSSource("EmployeeID") & "', '"  & DTSSource("OrderDate") & "', "

       sSQL = sSQL & "NULL, '" & DTSSource("ShippedDate") & "', '"

       sSQL = sSQL & DTSSource("ShipVia") & "', "

       sSQL = sSQL & DTSSource("Freight") & ", '"

       sSQL = sSQL & DTSSource("ShipName") & "')"

    The last statement could contain a single quote, What would be the proper way to handle this case? Thanks for your help.




  • Check the BOL for "SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER" as in:

    When SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER is OFF (default), literal strings in
    expressions can be delimited by single or double quotation marks. If a
    literal string is delimited by double quotation marks, the string can
    contain embedded single quotation marks, such as apostrophes.

    Jim P.

    A little bit of this and a little byte of that can cause bloatware.

  • using the ole db drivers, I guess the SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER is ON by default. I send the SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER is OFF command first and then my querry and it worked fine with the double quotes. Thanks for you help.

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