Dynamic SQL query

  • Hi,

    I need some help with this.

    I´ve this simple query

    select * from tligfact

    where ligfaccalculcode in (171,5710,5713)

    ligfaccalculcode is numeric field

    But the numbers inside the IN clause are variable, so I must put a subquery instead of the numeric values. I need this subquery to pass as a variable.

    I take an example from this forum where explain how to concatenate a subq result, in my case is :

    declare @columna1 varchar(255)

    set @columna1 = ''

    select @columna1 = @columna1+','+ rtrim(exportlineitem)

    from (select distinct exportlineitem from invoices.dbo.codecalcul where columna='1') ss

    set @columna1= right(@columna1,len(@columna1)-1)

    Then @columna1 get the value 171,5710,5713

    Rewriting the simple query...

    select *  from tligfact

    where rtrim(ligfaccalculcode) in (@columna1)

    I get 0 rows, that isn´t fine....

    Could you help me??

    Thanks in advance



  • For some reason this syntax won't work.  Someday, I will find out why.

    Why don't you just use a subquery or an inner join:

    select * from tligfact

    where ligfaccalculcode in (select distinct exportlineitem from invoices.dbo.codecalcul where columna='1')


    select tligfact.*

    from tligfact inner join (sselect distinct exportlineitem from invoices.dbo.codecalcul where columna='1') as cc

    on tligfact.ligfaccalculcode = cc.exportlineitem


    Russel Loski, MCSD

    Russel Loski, MCSE Business Intelligence, Data Platform

  • To answer your question, would this help?

    declare @search nvarchar(50)

    declare @stmt nvarchar(4000)

    set @search = '53129,53128,53127'

    set @stmt = 'select * from mails_header where id in ('+@search+')'

    exec sp_executesql @stmt


    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • Ok,many thanks

    but what I´m trying to do is something more complex...

    Select aa, bb, 'Neto Gravado'= sum(case  when tligfact.ligfaccalculcode

     in ('5701','5702','5703','5704','5705','5706','5707','5708','5709','5710','5711','5712','5713','171','172','12','16','28','180','5608','7709') then 0

    else (tligfact.ligfacunitprice*tligfact.ligfacqtefac) end)

    from tligfact where ......

    If I put a subquery inside the IN, I get an error, it saids that I cannot put a subquery inside an agregate function !!!, seems to belong from the SUM() ?

    So I think that a good idea is to put the result of this subq into a variable. But does not  work.

    Ive tried Frank´s , but I get this "Cannot convert parameter '@statement' to ntext/nchar/nvarchar data type expected by procedure. " and now I dont know how to jump this.

    waiting for any other idea..........

  • Can you post what you've got so far?

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • here it is..

    declare @qq varchar(4000)

    declare @columna1 varchar(255)

    set @columna1 = '171,5710'

    set @qq = 'select *  from tligfact

    where rtrim(ligfaccalculcode) in ('+@columna1+')'

    exec sp_executesql @qq

    result :

    Server: Msg 214, Level 16, State 2, Procedure sp_executesql, Line 7

    Cannot convert parameter '@statement' to ntext/nchar/nvarchar data type expected by procedure.

  • Changing your varchar decalration to nvarchar should do it

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • Tks Frank, that´s the point. I´ve too many code in my head that I can´t see it.


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