Dynamic SQL Generation in a stored proc

  • This gets hairy, so bear with me 🙂

    I have a table called TABLE_LIST that has 1 column which holds a string that corresponds to a name of a table in my database.

    I want to generate a stored proc that

    1) loops thru each value in this table,

    2) selects a column (always the same column) out of the table

    whose name I just selected in step 1

    3) updates a column (always the same column) in a 3rd table with the info from step 2.

    the first part is an easy cursor:

    DECLARE Report_Cursor CURSOR FOR

    SELECT ReportID, ReportTable

    FROM Table_List


    INTO @l_intReportID, @l_strReportTable

    the next 2 parts i'm at a loss for.

    the following code does NOT work

    SET @l_strSQL = 'SELECT @l_dtRunDate=MAX(ReportDate) FROM ' + @l_strReportTable

    EXEC @l_strSQL


    SET LongDesc = 'Data run on ' + @l_dtRunDate

    WHERE ReportID = @l_intReportID

    AND ShortDesc = 'RUN DATE'

    any help is greatly appreciated!

    Matthew Mamet

  • Try EXEC (@l_strSQL)

    I think, that without parenthesis you can execute stored proc

  • Yes () are required to EXEC a string as code.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

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