Dynamic sql from an xml

  • Hi,

    I create a dynamic query based on a xml.

    DECLARE @x AS XML = '<A id="xy" />';

    DECLARE @q as nvarchar(4000);

    DECLARE @x AS XML = '<A id="a" />';

    SET @q = (SELECT 'WHERE ' + T.c.value('@id', 'nvarchar') + ' > b'

    FROM@x.nodes('//A') AS T(c)

    FOR XML PATH ('')


    PRINT @q;

    The value of the variable @q is:

    WHERE a & gt; b

    instead of

    WHERE a > b


    How can I make the variable @q to have the right value:

    WHERE a > b




  • I don't understand why you need FOR XML PATH in the assignment of q. Q isn't an XML variable and it doesn't appear you need an XML output, therefore the answer is simply to take it out:

    SET @q = (SELECT 'WHERE ' + T.c.value('@id', 'nvarchar') + ' > b'

    FROM @x.nodes('//A') AS T(c)


    FOR XML PATH outputs the result set as XML (including character encoding)

  • SET @q = ((SELECT 'WHERE ' + T.c.value('@id', 'nvarchar') + ' > b'

    FROM @x.nodes('//A') AS T(c)

    FOR XML PATH (''),TYPE).value('./text()[1]','varchar(100)')



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