dynamic sql

  • i calling ProcGenReport from asp, passing all the variable,no error message BUT it does not Insert any data to my table

    create procedure ProcGenReport

    @table char(30),@Curcode char(3),@ExchRate char(25),@GLDesc char(100),@Glcode char(10),@debit char(25),@credit char(25),@dtmyr char(25),@crmyr char(25),

    @refno char(16),@itiscode char(3),@trandesc char(100),@Createdby char(50),@tmpdate char(12),@batchno char(3)


    DECLARE @InsertString NVARCHAR(1000)

    DECLARE @trandate DATETIME

    SELECT @trandate=CONVERT(datetime, @tmpdate)

    SET @InsertString = 'insert into ' + @table +


    values (@Curcode,@ExchRate,@GLDesc,@Glcode,@debit,@credit,@dtmyr,@crmyr,@refno,@itiscode,


  • First off, why is this Dynamic SQL?  You seem to know which table you are using as you are specifying each column independently.  I would suggest you alter this to run as a straight insert. 

    As to the errors, first, datatime for formats cannot be used directly in Dynamic SQL.  They must be converted to varchar fields.  Secondly, there is no EXCEUTE( @InsertString).  I would suggest you try PRINT @InsertString from Query Analyzer and see the results.  If you can run the insert from that output, your Dynamic SQL should work. 


    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Because the table name is not known, only the structure and therefore assumes that the structure is the same for any table name passed to the proc.

    Try executing the sql by adding the following to the end

    exec sp_executesql @InsertString,

    N'@Curcode char(3),@ExchRate char(25),@GLDesc char(100),@Glcode char(10),@debit char(25),@credit char(25),@dtmyr char(25),@crmyr char(25),

    @refno char(16),@itiscode char(3),@trandesc char(100),@Createdby char(50),@tmpdate char(12),@batchno char(3)',



    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • That was my point.  In other words, all the tables contain the same columns, just different names? 


    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • i adding the following

    "exec sp_executesql @InsertString,

    N'@Curcode char(3),@ExchRate char(25),@GLDesc char(100),@Glcode char(10),@debit char(25),@credit char(25),@dtmyr char(25),@crmyr char(25),

    @refno char(16),@itiscode char(3),@trandesc char(100),@Createdby char(50),@tmpdate char(12),@batchno char(3)',


    @trandesc,@Createdby,@trandate,@batchno "

    after i add, another error "Must declare @trandate variable"

  • sorry my fault, did not check parameter names properly, try this instead

    exec sp_executesql @InsertString,

    N'@Curcode char(3),@ExchRate char(25),@GLDesc char(100),@Glcode char(10),@debit char(25),@credit char(25),@dtmyr char(25),@crmyr char(25),

    @refno char(16),@itiscode char(3),@trandesc char(100),@Createdby char(50),@trandate char(12),@batchno char(3)',


    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

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