Dynamic SQL

  • Hello All,

    Please any can help me how to use dynamic sql. I don't know how to use dynamic sql .

    Here I only used 3 conditon to insert record.but

    I want to insert 15 more condition based on [ApptTimeStampFromID],[ApptTimeStampToID], [TotalDuration] and where clause

    How can i use dynamic sql for different conditon?

    Please help me

    INSERT INTO t_ApptDuration_Monthly ([Year],[Month],[FirstOfMonth],[ApptTimeStampFromID],[ApptTimeStampToID],

    [TotalDuration],[VisitType],[NumberOfAppts] ,[FacilityID],[Drno],[CreatedDateTime] )

    SELECT YEAR(appt.appointment_date) as [Year], Month(appt.appointment_date) as [Month],

    CONVERT(datetime,convert(char(4),Year(appt.appointment_date)) + '-' + convert(char(2),Month(appt.appointment_date)) + '-01') as FirstOFMonth,

    1, 2,Sum(CASE WHEN dbo.f_ConvertToDate(appt.arrival_time) < dbo.f_ConvertToDate(appt.appointment_time) THEN 0 ELSE

    DATEDIFF(MI, dbo.f_ConvertToDate(appt.appointment_time),dbo.f_ConvertToDate(appt.arrival_time)) END)


    pc.ProcedureName as VisitType,COUNT(appt.appointment_key) As NumOfAppts,

    f.FacilityID,appt.resource_id as Drno,

    GetDate()as CurrentDate

    FROM Facilities AS f INNER JOIN

    FacilityCodeXref AS facXref ON f.FacilityID = facXref.FacilityID INNER JOIN

    sch_app_slot AS appt ON facXref.FacilityCode = appt.faccode

    left outer join finhdr h on appt.appointment_key=h.appointment_key

    inner join findet d on h.invno=d.invno and h.patkey=d.patkey and h.entryno=d.entryno

    inner join ProcedureCodeXref pc on d.proccode=pc.proccode

    WHERE pc.ProcedureName<>'Surgery' and

    appt.appointment_date BETWEEN @startDate and @endDate

    AND appt.appointment_status = 0 and appt.arrival_time is not nullGROUP BY f.FacilityID, pc.ProcedureName, appt.resource_id, YEAR(appt.appointment_date), Month(appt.appointment_date)

    Union All

    SELECT YEAR(appt.appointment_date) as [Year], Month(appt.appointment_date) as [Month],

    CONVERT(datetime,convert(char(4),Year(appt.appointment_date)) + '-' + convert(char(2),Month(appt.appointment_date)) + '-01') as FirstOFMonth,


    Sum(CASE WHEN dbo.f_ConvertToDate(appt.exam_start_time) < dbo.f_ConvertToDate(appt.appointment_time) THEN 0 ELSE

    DATEDIFF(MI, dbo.f_ConvertToDate(appt.appointment_time),dbo.f_ConvertToDate(appt.exam_start_time)) END)as

    TotalDuration,pc.ProcedureName as VisitType,COUNT(appt.appointment_key) As NumOfAppts,

    f.FacilityID,appt.resource_id as Drno,

    GetDate()as CurrentDate

    FROM Facilities AS f INNER JOIN

    FacilityCodeXref AS facXref ON f.FacilityID = facXref.FacilityID INNER JOIN

    sch_app_slot AS appt ON facXref.FacilityCode = appt.faccode

    left outer join finhdr h on appt.appointment_key=h.appointment_key

    inner join findet d on h.invno=d.invno and h.patkey=d.patkey and h.entryno=d.entryno

    inner join ProcedureCodeXref pc on d.proccode=pc.proccode

    WHERE pc.ProcedureName<>'Surgery' and

    appt.appointment_date BETWEEN @startDate and @endDate

    AND appt.appointment_status = 0 and appt.exam_start_time is not nullGROUP BY f.FacilityID, pc.ProcedureName, appt.resource_id, YEAR(appt.appointment_date), Month(appt.appointment_date)

    Union All

    SELECT YEAR(appt.appointment_date) as [Year], Month(appt.appointment_date) as [Month],

    CONVERT(datetime,convert(char(4),Year(appt.appointment_date)) + '-' + convert(char(2),Month(appt.appointment_date)) + '-01') as FirstOFMonth,


    Sum(CASE WHEN dbo.f_ConvertToDate(appt.exam_end_time) < dbo.f_ConvertToDate(appt.appointment_time) THEN 0 ELSE

    DATEDIFF(MI, dbo.f_ConvertToDate(appt.appointment_time),dbo.f_ConvertToDate(appt.exam_end_time)) END) as


    pc.ProcedureName as VisitType,COUNT(appt.appointment_key) As NumOfAppts,

    f.FacilityID,appt.resource_id as Drno,

    GetDate()as CurrentDate

    FROM Facilities AS f INNER JOIN

    FacilityCodeXref AS facXref ON f.FacilityID = facXref.FacilityID INNER JOIN

    sch_app_slot AS appt ON facXref.FacilityCode = appt.faccode

    left outer join finhdr h on appt.appointment_key=h.appointment_key

    inner join findet d on h.invno=d.invno and h.patkey=d.patkey and h.entryno=d.entryno

    inner join ProcedureCodeXref pc on d.proccode=pc.proccode

    WHERE pc.ProcedureName<>'Surgery' and

    appt.appointment_date BETWEEN @startDate and @endDate

    AND appt.appointment_status = 0 and appt.exam_end_time is not nullGROUP BY f.FacilityID, pc.ProcedureName, appt.resource_id, YEAR(appt.appointment_date), Month(appt.appointment_date)

  • bhaveshp.dba (11/8/2011)

    Hello All,

    Please any can help me how to use dynamic sql. I don't know how to use dynamic sql .

    Here I only used 3 conditon to insert record.but

    I want to insert 15 more condition based on [ApptTimeStampFromID],[ApptTimeStampToID], [TotalDuration] and where clause

    How can i use dynamic sql for different conditon?

    Please help me

    INSERT INTO t_ApptDuration_Monthly ([Year],[Month],[FirstOfMonth],[ApptTimeStampFromID],[ApptTimeStampToID],

    [TotalDuration],[VisitType],[NumberOfAppts] ,[FacilityID],[Drno],[CreatedDateTime] )

    SELECT YEAR(appt.appointment_date) as [Year], Month(appt.appointment_date) as [Month],

    CONVERT(datetime,convert(char(4),Year(appt.appointment_date)) + '-' + convert(char(2),Month(appt.appointment_date)) + '-01') as FirstOFMonth,

    1, 2,Sum(CASE WHEN dbo.f_ConvertToDate(appt.arrival_time) < dbo.f_ConvertToDate(appt.appointment_time) THEN 0 ELSE

    DATEDIFF(MI, dbo.f_ConvertToDate(appt.appointment_time),dbo.f_ConvertToDate(appt.arrival_time)) END)


    pc.ProcedureName as VisitType,COUNT(appt.appointment_key) As NumOfAppts,

    f.FacilityID,appt.resource_id as Drno,

    GetDate()as CurrentDate

    FROM Facilities AS f INNER JOIN

    FacilityCodeXref AS facXref ON f.FacilityID = facXref.FacilityID INNER JOIN

    sch_app_slot AS appt ON facXref.FacilityCode = appt.faccode

    left outer join finhdr h on appt.appointment_key=h.appointment_key

    inner join findet d on h.invno=d.invno and h.patkey=d.patkey and h.entryno=d.entryno

    inner join ProcedureCodeXref pc on d.proccode=pc.proccode

    WHERE pc.ProcedureName<>'Surgery' and

    appt.appointment_date BETWEEN @startDate and @endDate

    AND appt.appointment_status = 0 and appt.arrival_time is not nullGROUP BY f.FacilityID, pc.ProcedureName, appt.resource_id, YEAR(appt.appointment_date), Month(appt.appointment_date)

    Union All

    SELECT YEAR(appt.appointment_date) as [Year], Month(appt.appointment_date) as [Month],

    CONVERT(datetime,convert(char(4),Year(appt.appointment_date)) + '-' + convert(char(2),Month(appt.appointment_date)) + '-01') as FirstOFMonth,


    Sum(CASE WHEN dbo.f_ConvertToDate(appt.exam_start_time) < dbo.f_ConvertToDate(appt.appointment_time) THEN 0 ELSE

    DATEDIFF(MI, dbo.f_ConvertToDate(appt.appointment_time),dbo.f_ConvertToDate(appt.exam_start_time)) END)as

    TotalDuration,pc.ProcedureName as VisitType,COUNT(appt.appointment_key) As NumOfAppts,

    f.FacilityID,appt.resource_id as Drno,

    GetDate()as CurrentDate

    FROM Facilities AS f INNER JOIN

    FacilityCodeXref AS facXref ON f.FacilityID = facXref.FacilityID INNER JOIN

    sch_app_slot AS appt ON facXref.FacilityCode = appt.faccode

    left outer join finhdr h on appt.appointment_key=h.appointment_key

    inner join findet d on h.invno=d.invno and h.patkey=d.patkey and h.entryno=d.entryno

    inner join ProcedureCodeXref pc on d.proccode=pc.proccode

    WHERE pc.ProcedureName<>'Surgery' and

    appt.appointment_date BETWEEN @startDate and @endDate

    AND appt.appointment_status = 0 and appt.exam_start_time is not nullGROUP BY f.FacilityID, pc.ProcedureName, appt.resource_id, YEAR(appt.appointment_date), Month(appt.appointment_date)

    Union All

    SELECT YEAR(appt.appointment_date) as [Year], Month(appt.appointment_date) as [Month],

    CONVERT(datetime,convert(char(4),Year(appt.appointment_date)) + '-' + convert(char(2),Month(appt.appointment_date)) + '-01') as FirstOFMonth,


    Sum(CASE WHEN dbo.f_ConvertToDate(appt.exam_end_time) < dbo.f_ConvertToDate(appt.appointment_time) THEN 0 ELSE

    DATEDIFF(MI, dbo.f_ConvertToDate(appt.appointment_time),dbo.f_ConvertToDate(appt.exam_end_time)) END) as


    pc.ProcedureName as VisitType,COUNT(appt.appointment_key) As NumOfAppts,

    f.FacilityID,appt.resource_id as Drno,

    GetDate()as CurrentDate

    FROM Facilities AS f INNER JOIN

    FacilityCodeXref AS facXref ON f.FacilityID = facXref.FacilityID INNER JOIN

    sch_app_slot AS appt ON facXref.FacilityCode = appt.faccode

    left outer join finhdr h on appt.appointment_key=h.appointment_key

    inner join findet d on h.invno=d.invno and h.patkey=d.patkey and h.entryno=d.entryno

    inner join ProcedureCodeXref pc on d.proccode=pc.proccode

    WHERE pc.ProcedureName<>'Surgery' and

    appt.appointment_date BETWEEN @startDate and @endDate

    AND appt.appointment_status = 0 and appt.exam_end_time is not nullGROUP BY f.FacilityID, pc.ProcedureName, appt.resource_id, YEAR(appt.appointment_date), Month(appt.appointment_date)

  • strSELECT -- SELECT columns

    strFROM -- From Table(s) with JOIN

    strWHERE -- Filters

    strGROUP_BY -- if Any

    strHAVING -- if Any

    strORDER_BY -- If Any

    strSQL= strSELECT + strFROM + strWHERE + strGROUP_BY + strHAVING + strORDER_BY

    This is typically helpful if 2 or more blocks (say SELECT & FROM) are common and only filter changes.

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