dynamic sql

  • In sql2000


    set @DataItem = 'line'

    set @DataElement = 'On'

    set @sqlstmt = 'declare @cnt int'



       set @sqlstmt = @sqlstmt + ' SELECT @cnt = count(1) FROM #temp T

                       INNER JOIN dbo.VALIDATION_RULE R

                       on T.tmpPackageName = R. BCPackageName

                       and T.tmpPkgElementName = R.BCPkgElementName '


       set @sqlstmt = @sqlstmt + ' where R.BCPackageName = ''' + @DataItem + ''' '


       set @sqlstmt = @sqlstmt + ' and R.BCPkgElementName = ''' + @DataElement + ''' '





    print output - declare @cnt int SELECT @cnt = count(1) FROM #temp T

                       INNER JOIN dbo.BC_VALIDATION_RULE R

                       on T.tmpPackageName = R. BCPackageName

                       and T.tmpPkgElementName = R.BCPkgElementName  where R.BCPackageName = 'line'  and R.BCPkgElementName = 'On'


    no output for exec(@sqlstmt), anyone know why?


    If I run this declare @cnt int SELECT @cnt = count(1) FROM #temp T

                       INNER JOIN dbo.BC_VALIDATION_RULE R

                       on T.tmpPackageName = R. BCPackageName

                       and T.tmpPkgElementName = R.BCPkgElementName  where R.BCPackageName = 'line'  and R.BCPkgElementName = 'Ont'




    output = 3



  • I think the reason is #temp table. Temp tables are created in tempdb not in the user db(with a long Name ..eg :#temp_______________6788) and when ur query tried to look for #TEMP in the current DB it doesn't find any.

    It runs manually cos the temp table is still available to the connection.


  • Where do you create and populate #Temp?

    Read about scope of # tables in BOL.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • your question not related to my question 'coz

    I'm asking why if I run exec(@sqlstmt) there is no output

    instead of running the stmt:declare @cnt int SELECT @cnt = count(1) FROM #temp T INNER JOIN dbo.BC_VALIDATION_RULE R on T.tmpPackageName = R. BCPackageName and T.tmpPkgElementName = R.BCPkgElementName  where R.BCPackageName = 'line'  and R.BCPkgElementName = 'On'

    I get an output of 3 the value of the @cnt

    something wrong with the dynamic sql...

  • If it would not be related I would not ask.

    If you would read topic in BOL about Temporary Tables you would not say my question is not related.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • ok, I created and populated the #temp table before the stmt I provided above.

    they all in a script I run in Query Analyzer.

    IN BOL, Temporary Tables

    SQL Server supports temporary tables. These tables have names that start with a number sign (#).

    If a temporary table is not dropped when a user disconnects, SQL Server automatically drops

    the temporary table. Temporary tables are not stored in the current database; they are stored in the

     tempdb system database.

    Local temporary tables

    The names of these tables begin with one number sign (#). These tables are visible only to the connection that created them.

    what's your point? are you saying was drop? not possible...


  • You did not asked the question.

    Point is: #Tables are limited to the scope.

    If you created and/or populated #Table in another dynamic statement then this table was dropped as soon as that statement was copleted.

    So, the way you populate #Table is crytical.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • what's crytical?

    You mean critical?

    Nope, I created #temp from different table using into stmt.

    e.g. select * into #temp from basis

  • Was it

    select * into #temp from basis


    SET @sql = 'select * into #temp from basis'

    EXEC (@SQL)


    Code for TallyGenerator

  • YES, just plain sql stmt...

    select * into #temp from basis

  • You must use

    exec sp_executesql @sqlstmt, N'@cnt int OUTPUT', @cnt = @cnt OUTPUT

    PRINT @cnt

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • You cannot use #temp in dynamic SQL.  Temp table only exists in current session.  If will automatically delete after you finish the session.  So if you use dynamic sql, it doess not recognize #temp because it is a different session.  If you really need to use temp table in dynamic sql, you need to create global temp table ##Temp.  Then ##Temp will stay in tempdb until you delete it manually.

    If you use global temp table, be sure to delete it after you are done, otherwise it will stay in tempdb.  You DBA will not be too happy.

  • quoteYou cannot use #temp in dynamic SQL

    Yes you can

    Provided it is created in the same procedure before using it in dynamic sql

    and not created within dynamic sql (other than the dynamic sql itself)

    Sergiy's last post is the answer  

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Thanks for the help Sergiy! You're the MAN!!!

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