Dynamic server connections

  • Hi

    I am trying to think of a way to create a DTS job that runs the same task on multiple servers in sucession.

    I have a central server that contains details of approx 150 servers spread about the country. I want to design a generic method of connecting to each one in turn performing a task and writing the results back to my central server then stepping onto the next server to repeat the process.

    So far I have got to the idea of creating a parent process to read data from the central server and dynamically update the connection properties then call a child process that does the work.

    Anyone done this sort of thing before? any ideas or suggestions?

    Code sample would be great !!

  • you can build the synamic queries using osql utility to achieve the task.

  • assuming nothing else needs to change but the connections with a datasource of "oldservername" the following might do what you want.

    strPackageName = "my package name"

    arrServerNames = array("s1","s2","s3","s4")

    for each strServerName in arrServerNames

     With CreateObject("DTS.Package")

      .LoadFromSQLServer strServerName,,,256,,,,strPackageName

      .FailOnError = TRUE

      for each connection in .connections

       if connection.datasource = "oldservername" then _

        connection.datasource = strServerName



     End With


    of course, i would add option explicit and clean it up some, but that may help you out.

  • Have you considered the use of an 'MSX' server ? It can handle scheduling and execution (along with error reporting) for all 'enlisted' servers.

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • Thanks Rudy

    Yes considered a MSX server and might well go down that route, but what I was really after was some method of creating a generic process that I could use as a template for doing adhoc tasks on all the servers as well as routine jobs. At the moment I use OSQL in a great big batch file to connect to each server in turn a perform queries, updates etc but I would like to be able to do the same sort of thing via DTS.


  • Good Day Martin. I also have utilized MSX and multi-server jobs for the same purpose. On a daily basis I monotor server and database healkth and run adhoc updates as well. However I've only 20+ servers at present. But in the past I'bve used the same mechanism for 60-100 servers. I understand the appeal of the GUI in DTS for complex tasks. As a DBA I try to keep it simple. If it's larger than one script, I make two (and two job steps as well.

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • I have done something similar in the past with two dts jobs.  Job one reads a list of servers from a table and creates a batch file of dtsrun statements with the server name as a global variable and executes the batch file.  Job two uses the passed variable for the server connection and uses a transformation to copy the data to my central server.   Here is the code to create the batch file:




    DECLARE @ODBC_Name       VARCHAR(30),

                      @fetch_next           INT,

                      @message             VARCHAR(1024),

                      @Server_Num        INT,

                      @server                 VARCHAR(124),

                      @Pull_Date          DATETIME


    SET @server = @@SERVERNAME

    SET @Pull_Date = CONVERT(CHAR(12), GETDATE(), 1)

    DECLARE cur_server_name CURSOR FOR SELECT DISTINCT datasource, Server_Num FROM EAI_MediaType

                                       WHERE Status = 1

                                       AND Batch_Num = 1

    OPEN cur_server_name

    FETCH cur_server_name INTO @ODBC_Name, @Server_Num

    SELECT @fetch_next = @@FETCH_STATUS

    SELECT @message = 'ECHO DTSRUN /S "' + @server + '" /N "Pull Field Info" /A "ODBC_NAME":"8"="' + @ODBC_Name + '" /A "PULL_DATE":"7"="' + convert(varchar, @Pull_Date, 1) + '" /A "SERVER_NUM":"3"="' + cast(@Server_Num as varchar) + '" /E > c:\temp\database1.bat'

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @message, no_output

    FETCH cur_server_name INTO @ODBC_Name, @Server_Num

    SELECT @fetch_next = @@FETCH_STATUS

    WHILE @fetch_next = 0



       SELECT @message = 'ECHO DTSRUN /S "' + @server + '" /N "Pull Field Info" /A "ODBC_NAME":"8"="' + @ODBC_Name + '" /A "PULL_DATE":"7"="' + convert(varchar, @Pull_Date, 1) + '" /A "SERVER_NUM":"3"="' + cast(@Server_Num as varchar) + '" /E >> c:\temp\database1.bat'

       EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @message, no_output

       FETCH cur_server_name INTO @ODBC_Name, @Server_Num

       SELECT @fetch_next = @@FETCH_STATUS


    CLOSE cur_server_name

    DEALLOCATE cur_server_name

  • Thanks Jas81864

    Just what I wanted!!




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