Dynamic record counting

  • Let's go the other way around.

    Create a new dts package, add an activex task, then switch the code to vb, then just insert this code and save, don't forget to change the connection so that it connects to your server.  Then repeat the steps I outlined in my first post and it should work.

    Function Main()

     Dim MyRsCols

     Dim MyRsCount

     Dim MyCn

     Dim OColumns

     Dim OTable

     Dim oField

     Dim sTable

     Dim iCount

     SET MyCn = CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection")

     SET MyRsCols = CreateObject ("ADODB.RecordSet")

     SET MyRsCount = CreateObject ("ADODB.RecordSet")

     MyCn.Open ("Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=SERVEUR4;Initial Catalog=Documentation;Integrated Security=SSPI;")

     MyRsCols.Open "Select O.Name, NULLIF(dbo.ListTableColumns_NotNulls(O.id), '') as NullColumns from dbo.SysObjects O WHERE O.XType = 'U' order by O.Name", MyCn, 1, 3

     if not MyRsCols.EOF THEN

      SET OTable = MyRsCols.Fields ("Name")

      SET OColumns = MyRsCols.Fields ("NullColumns")

      WHILE NOT MyRsCols.EOF

       if not ISNULL(OColumns.value) THEN

        MyRsCount.Open "Select '" & OTable.Value & "', " & OColumns.Value & " FROM dbo." & OTable.value, MyCn, 1, 3

        sTable = ""

        iCount = 0

        For each oField in MyRsCount.Fields

         if iCount = 0 then

          sTable = MyRsCount.Fields(0).Value


          MyCn.Execute "EXEC dbo.TablesColumnsNulls_Insert '" & sTable & "', '" & OField.Name & "', " & oField.Value

         end if

         iCount = iCount + 1



       END IF



     END IF



     SET MyRsCount = NOTHING

     SET MyRsCols = NOTHING


     Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

  • Hi Remi,

    Thanks! Success, but not complete. It updated 1617 (about half-way) when it gave me an error:

    Error Code: 0

    Error Source = Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server

    Error Description: The count aggregate operation cannot take a uniqueidentifier data type as a argument

    Error on line 19

    The count aggregate operation cannot take a uniqueidentifier data type as a argument

    I'll have a look at the table structure to find out what is going on.




  • Change the function


    AND XType NOT IN (34,35)


    AND XType NOT IN (34,35,36)

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