Dynamic Query writing help

  • Hello everyone, i m using SQL Server 2005, i need help for designing my query. I have 5 checkboxes with different fields in my front end application (C#.net) If user select the first checkbex which have textboxes e.g. DistrictID and TehsilID and click on serach button:My grid add these columns in my gridview and display the DistrictID,TehsilID in my Gridview and also filter my data on these two by using the values which i passed in the textboxex, and so on if user select another chkbox column added in the gridview. For this i have to buld Dynamic Query but i m a bit confused how to check all these as this passed in the select stmt+ in where clause also.

    Here are the structure that i make, plz tell me is this a good way to accompish this or suggest me and help me to design this query.

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SearchSP_Ext]

    @DistrictID int = null,

    @TehsilID int = null,

    @RangeFrom int = null,


    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(4000)

    IF @DistrictID IS NOT NULL

    SELECT @sql = N'' SELECT dbo.TvsRecords.TvsRecordID, DistrictID,DistrictName

    FROM dbo.TvsRecords INNER JOIN

    dbo.Districts ON dbo.TvsRecords.DistrictID = dbo.Districts.DistrictID

    WHERE DistrictID =@xdistrictid ''

    IF @RangeFrom IS NOT NULL

    SELECT @sql = @sql + '' ( I m confused at this point, how to add this column in my Select list + where list)(if i have only wnt to add where clause its easy for me to add but i also add this column in my select list and for this may be i also used join to another table (in case)..

    SELECT @paramlist = N''@xdistrictid int,

    @Tehsilid int,

    @xrangefrom int,

    EXEC sp_executesql @sql, @paramlist, @DistrictID,@TehsilID,@RangeFrom

    Plz tell me how can i make this query ,plz reply me asap, I m very greatfull to all of you.Thanx in Advance.

  • why would you even think of using dynamic sql for this ??????? :sick:

    If you know it's only the predicates that differ, why not have a bunch of if statements and yes hardcopy the queries and just foorsee the where-clause combinations you actualy need ?

    Oldfashioned ? Maybe :doze:

    performant ? why not ?

    tunable ? way better.

    Did you read the everlasting reffered "curse and blessings of dynamic sql".:cool:


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  • While I agree with ALZDBA that actually writing the sql for each combination is probably better I will attempt to answer your question.

    I would write the code something like this:

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SearchSP_Ext]

    @DistrictID int = null,

    @TehsilID int = null,

    @RangeFrom int = null,


    DECLARE @select nvarchar(1000),

    @from nvarchar(1000),

    @where nvarchar(1000),

    @sql nvarchar(4000)

    Set @select = 'Select dbo.TvsRecords.TvsRecordID, DistrictID,DistrictName ' -- base select list

    -- base from list

    Set @from = 'From dbo.TvsRecords INNER JOIN

    dbo.Districts ON dbo.TvsRecords.DistrictID = dbo.Districts.DistrictID '

    IF @DistrictID IS NOT NULL


    Set @where = ' Where DistrictID = @xdistictid '


    IF @RangeFrom IS NOT NULL


    -- I am assuming @RangeFrom contains a valid column name, if it does not then relace @RangeFrom with the column name you want

    Set @select = @select + ', ' + @RangeFrom

    Select @where = Case

    When @where is null then 'Where ' -- add columns for where

    Else @where + ' And '-- add columns for where



    SELECT @paramlist = N''@xdistrictid int,

    @Tehsilid int,

    @xrangefrom int,

    Set @sql = @select + ' ' + @from + ' ' + Coalesce(@where, '') -- coalesces returns the first non-null value

    EXEC sp_executesql @sql, @paramlist, @DistrictID,@TehsilID,@RangeFrom

    As you can see I build each piece of the Sql statement and then concatenate them when done evaluating all the criteria. I would be concerned about returning different select lists as this could mess with your UI code.

  • Thanx Jack your testing query really helping me a lot . Thankyou so much .

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