November 8, 2005 at 2:40 pm
I am attempting to dynamically create a Query, but to no avail. Is there a way to store a query in a string and use the EXEC(@STRING) command while still using variables from the stored procedure. I know it will not work the way I have it due to scope issues, but does anyone have any help on how to make this work while still allowing to dynamically generate the Query.
If Exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id ('dbo.ABC') and Type = 'P')
Drop Procedure dbo.ABC
Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[ABC]
@ID int,
@TableId int,
@StartDt datetime
CREATE TABLE #CursorTemp(ID int IDENTITY, RebateId int)
@a int,
@b-2 datetime,
@C int,
@D varchar(20),
@Query varchar(2000),
@QueryWhere varchar(1000),
@CursorInt int
SELECT @Query = 'SELECT RebateId from Rebates '
SELECT @QueryWhere = ' Where @StartDt < RebateStartDate ' SELECT @a = a,
@b-2 = b,
@C = c,
@D = d
FROM OtherTable
WHERE @ID = OtherTableID
--Check for NULL in Columns A and B
IF @a <> null
SET @QueryWhere = @QueryWhere + 'AND @a = a '
IF @b-2 <> null
SET @QueryWhere = @QueryWhere + 'AND @b-2 = b '
SELECT @Query = @Query + @QueryWhere
November 8, 2005 at 2:52 pm
This is without query analyzer, so check the syntax...
SELECT @Query = 'SELECT RebateId from Rebates '
SELECT @QueryWhere = ' Where @StartDt < RebateStartDate '
should be something like
SELECT @Query = 'SELECT RebateId from Rebates '
SELECT @QueryWhere = ' Where ' + CAST (@StartDt AS VARCHAR) + ' < RebateStartDate '
You will need to make similar changes to the remainder of your query.
Hope this helps
November 8, 2005 at 2:53 pm
he forgot the embedded quotes necessary around the converted date
November 8, 2005 at 2:58 pm
Thanks John!
Have a great day
November 8, 2005 at 3:22 pm
Thanks for all your replies, however I Have tried implementing your solution, but again I am getting an error telling me I have to Declare the variable... The SQL Statement looks like this
SELECT @QuerySelect = 'INSERT #CursorTemp Select RebateId'
SELECT @QueryFrom = ' From RebateAgreements'
SELECT @QueryWhere = @QueryFrom + ' Where ' + Cast('@AgreementSetId' AS VARCHAR)+ ' = AgreementSetId'
SELECT @QueryWhere = @QueryWhere + ' AND RebateStartDt = ' + CAST('@SearchStartDt' AS VARCHAR)
SELECT @Query = @QuerySelect + @QueryWhere
Here is the error message, which is the same as the one I recieved before
Server: Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 1
Must declare the variable '@AgreementSetId'.
November 8, 2005 at 5:15 pm
SELECT @QueryWhere = @QueryFrom + ' Where ' + Cast('@AgreementSetId' AS VARCHAR)+ ' = AgreementSetId'
should be
SELECT @QueryWhere = @QueryFrom + ' Where ''' + Cast(@AgreementSetId AS VARCHAR)+ ''' = AgreementSetId'
and so on. The tick marks need to be moved slightly. Also note that the tick marks are two single quote marks - not a double quote.
November 9, 2005 at 3:19 am
My apologies for posting what I am about to post on here, though it is not a solution to the original post never the less it is along the lines of dynamic SQL so I thought I'd ask it in the same post.
The size of the variable (in the example its @query) is limited to 8000 chars for SQL Server 2000. What if I have a query which exceeds more then 8000 chars, whats the option. The query will obviosly fail in that case. How can one overcome the variable size difference?
Does Exec(@query) work in the same fashion as Execute SP_executesql @query?
Thanks in advance.
November 9, 2005 at 5:27 am
Noone has yet asked the obvious question...
Why? Why, why, why... Why do you have to use dynamic SQL..?
Have you read this?
It's highly recommended reading for all who even thinks the thought 'dynamic' when writing SQL code..
November 9, 2005 at 6:36 am
For this Question:
Does Exec(@query) work in the same fashion as Execute SP_executesql @query?
May be u know,ifor this SP_executesql @query the paramter must be nvarchar.Nvarchar size is 4000.
November 9, 2005 at 7:31 am
My apologies for posting what I am about to post on here... |
EXEC(@querypart1 + @querypart2 + @querypart3 + @querypart4)
Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.
November 9, 2005 at 7:48 am
Thanks David. Was so simple...
November 9, 2005 at 6:19 pm
You are using a temporary table, dynamic SQL, and a cursor. These are all three big no-nos, unless you have an extremely valid reason. I'm guess you could make this query much much better with a little set based thinking.
That said, when debugging dynamic SQL, simply use the print statement and try running the code manually. Works like a charm, and you would have easily found your problem.
declare @QuerySelect varchar(2000),
@Query varchar(2000)
SELECT @QuerySelect = 'INSERT #CursorTemp Select RebateId'
SELECT @QueryFrom = ' From RebateAgreements'
SELECT @QueryWhere = @QueryFrom + ' Where ' + Cast('@AgreementSetId' AS VARCHAR)+ ' = AgreementSetId'
SELECT @QueryWhere = @QueryWhere + ' AND RebateStartDt = ' + CAST('@SearchStartDt' AS VARCHAR)
SELECT @Query = @QuerySelect + @QueryWhere
print @Query
Signature is NULL
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