Dynamic Queries - Can this be done

  • I am attempting to dynamically create a Query, but to no avail. Is there a way to store a query in a string and use the EXEC(@STRING) command while still using variables from the stored procedure. I know it will not work the way I have it due to scope issues, but does anyone have any help on how to make this work while still allowing to dynamically generate the Query.



    If Exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id ('dbo.ABC') and Type = 'P')

    Drop Procedure dbo.ABC


    Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[ABC]

    @ID int,

    @TableId int,

    @StartDt datetime


    CREATE TABLE #CursorTemp(ID int IDENTITY, RebateId int)


    @a int,

    @b-2 datetime,

    @C int,

    @D varchar(20),

    @Query varchar(2000),

    @QueryWhere varchar(1000),

    @CursorInt int

    SELECT @Query = 'SELECT RebateId from Rebates '

    SELECT @QueryWhere = ' Where @StartDt < RebateStartDate ' SELECT @a = a,

    @b-2 = b,

    @C = c,

    @D = d

    FROM OtherTable

    WHERE @ID = OtherTableID

    --Check for NULL in Columns A and B

    IF @a <> null


    SET @QueryWhere = @QueryWhere + 'AND @a = a '


    IF @b-2 <> null


    SET @QueryWhere = @QueryWhere + 'AND @b-2 = b '


    SELECT @Query = @Query + @QueryWhere


  • G'day,

    This is without query analyzer, so check the syntax...

    SELECT @Query = 'SELECT RebateId from Rebates '

    SELECT @QueryWhere = ' Where @StartDt < RebateStartDate '

    should be something like

    SELECT @Query = 'SELECT RebateId from Rebates '

    SELECT @QueryWhere = ' Where ' + CAST (@StartDt AS VARCHAR) + ' < RebateStartDate '

    You will need to make similar changes to the remainder of your query.

    Hope this helps


  • he forgot the embedded quotes necessary around the converted date

  • Thanks John!


    Have a great day


  • Thanks for all your replies, however I Have tried implementing your solution, but again I am getting an error telling me I have to Declare the variable... The SQL Statement looks like this

    SELECT @QuerySelect = 'INSERT #CursorTemp Select RebateId'

    SELECT @QueryFrom = ' From RebateAgreements'

    SELECT @QueryWhere = @QueryFrom + ' Where ' + Cast('@AgreementSetId' AS VARCHAR)+ ' = AgreementSetId'

    SELECT @QueryWhere = @QueryWhere + ' AND RebateStartDt = ' + CAST('@SearchStartDt' AS VARCHAR)

    SELECT @Query = @QuerySelect + @QueryWhere


    Here is the error message, which is the same as the one I recieved before

    Server: Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 1

    Must declare the variable '@AgreementSetId'.

  • SELECT @QueryWhere = @QueryFrom + ' Where ' + Cast('@AgreementSetId' AS VARCHAR)+ ' = AgreementSetId'

    should be

    SELECT @QueryWhere = @QueryFrom + ' Where ''' + Cast(@AgreementSetId AS VARCHAR)+ ''' = AgreementSetId'

    and so on. The tick marks need to be moved slightly. Also note that the tick marks are two single quote marks - not a double quote.


  • My apologies for posting what I am about to post on here, though it is not a solution to the original post never the less it is along the lines of dynamic SQL so I thought I'd ask it in the same post.

    The size of the variable (in the example its @query) is limited to 8000 chars for SQL Server 2000. What if I have a query which exceeds more then 8000 chars, whats the option. The query will obviosly fail in that case. How can one overcome the variable size difference?

    Does Exec(@query) work in the same fashion as Execute SP_executesql @query?

    Thanks in advance.

    What I hear I forget, what I see I remember, what I do I understand

  • Noone has yet asked the obvious question...

    Why? Why, why, why... Why do you have to use dynamic SQL..?

    Have you read this?  http://www.sommarskog.se/dynamic_sql.html

    It's highly recommended reading for all who even thinks the thought 'dynamic' when writing SQL code..


  • For this Question:

    Does Exec(@query) work in the same fashion as Execute SP_executesql @query?


    May be u know,ifor this  SP_executesql @query the paramter must be nvarchar.Nvarchar size is 4000.



  • quoteMy apologies for posting what I am about to post on here...

    EXEC(@querypart1 + @querypart2 + @querypart3 + @querypart4)

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Thanks David. Was so simple...

    What I hear I forget, what I see I remember, what I do I understand

  • You are using a temporary table, dynamic SQL, and a cursor. These are all three big no-nos, unless you have an extremely valid reason. I'm guess you could make this query much much better with a little set based thinking.

    That said, when debugging dynamic SQL, simply use the print statement and try running the code manually. Works like a charm, and you would have easily found your problem.

    declare @QuerySelect varchar(2000),



    @Query varchar(2000)

    SELECT @QuerySelect = 'INSERT #CursorTemp Select RebateId'

    SELECT @QueryFrom = ' From RebateAgreements'

    SELECT @QueryWhere = @QueryFrom + ' Where ' + Cast('@AgreementSetId' AS VARCHAR)+ ' = AgreementSetId'

    SELECT @QueryWhere = @QueryWhere + ' AND RebateStartDt = ' + CAST('@SearchStartDt' AS VARCHAR)

    SELECT @Query = @QuerySelect + @QueryWhere

    print @Query

    Signature is NULL

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