Dynamic parameters in data driven subscription

  • I have a requirement that I want to make monthly subscription where for each month a mail should be sent to the recipients

    taking the last month as a parameter.

    For eg:If I create subscription on 2nd of every month and the current month is jan. Mail should be sent for the month of Dec which is previous month. Like that this has to be repeated for every month.

    Please help me with the SQL syntax..

  • Hi

    [Code = "sql"]

    DECLARE @dayofmonth int

    DECLARE @dateprmonth datetime

    /* stores one day before day of the month */

    SET @dayofmonth = datepart( dd,dateadd (mm,-1 ,getdate()) ) -1

    /* stores the previous month date from current date*/

    SET @dateprmonth = dateadd(m,-1,getdate())

    SELECT dateAdd(dd,0,DateDiff(dd,0,@dateprmonth-@dayofmonth)) AS [FIRST_DATE_OF_PREVIOUS_MONTH],

    dateAdd(dd,0,DateDiff(dd,0,dateAdd(MM,1,(@dateprmonth-@dayofmonth )))) -1 AS [LAST_DATE_OF_PREVIOUS_MONTH]


    above script to get first and last day of the previous month, if you run your script for between those two dates and set up a report to report run on 2nd of every month.

    done and dusted 🙂

  • Thank you very much

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