Dynamic Parameters for Stored Procedures

  • I want to write a stored procedure whose number of parameters will be dynamically decided.


    In One case i will send two parameters to this procedure.


    In 2nd case i will send three parameters to this procedure.

    The problem is the number of parameters could vary from 1--100. There for i dnt want to fix the number of parameters in the create script of the stored procedure.

    I think i can do this using array kind of thing, but i dnt know the exact solution.

  • you can set a default value to the parameter. Then check to see if the value is different so that you know you need to use it. But you can't change the number of parameters. Also if you only have a few parameters to pass, you can use named parameters like :

    exec spname @ParamName = 'SomeValue', @Param3 = 6...

    That way you can pass only what you need (providing all the other params have defaults).

  • I don't think there is any way, short of using dynamic T-SQL to recompile the procedure, to alter the number of parameters that a T-SQL procedure accepts.  However, you can define as many parameters as you need (up to 2100) and default them to NULL.  Then the calling program can send over as many as it wants, leaving the called procedure to test for the parameters that are NOT NULL, i.e., present in the call at run time.



                       @parm_1 CHAR (1) = NULL

                     , @parm_2 CHAR (1) = NULL

                     , @parm_3 CHAR (1) = NULL

                     , @parm_4 CHAR (1) = NULL

                     , ...

                     , @parm_n CHAR (1) = NULL


      IF @parm_1 IS NOT NULL


        {use it}

    --END IF

      IF @parm_2 IS NOT NULL


        {use it}

    --END IF



    Another possibility, I suppose, would be to use the little-used procedure number, and then you could dynamically determine how to call it:


                       @parm_1 CHAR (1) = NULL





                       @parm_1 CHAR (1) = NULL

                     , @parm_2 CHAR (1) = NULL





                       @parm_1 CHAR (1) = NULL

                     , @parm_2 CHAR (1) = NULL

                     , @parm_3 CHAR (1) = NULL




    But you're then stuck with a complicated calling scheme and a lot of configuration management headaches. 



  • Another possibility would be to have a single parameter that is a large varchar field.  You could then send in parameters as a string composed of name/value pairs ( or a single comma delimited list of values) and parse the single string in the stored procedure.

    I have actually used this technique many times when I needed to send a stored proc a variable amount of data.



    Gordon Pollokoff

    "Wile E. is my reality, Bugs Bunny is my goal" - Chuck Jones

  • I'd like to see an exemple of such a proc with 20+ parameters if it's possible.

  • Picking up where Lee left off...maybe the 2 methods he listed should be combined to use nested sprocs ?!?! - Hopefully - even though the range of parameters is 1 - 100 - maybe some of them can be tested in "sets/blocks" of "IF @parm_1 IS NOT NULL AND @parm_2 IS NOT NULL" etc..as opposed to "IF @parm_1 IS NOT NULL do...", IF @parm_2 IS NOT NULL do..." etc... - how tedious -

        CREATE PROCEDURE p_foo
                           @parm_1 CHAR (1) = NULL
                         , @parm_2 CHAR (1) = NULL
                         , @parm_3 CHAR (1) = NULL
                         , @parm_4 CHAR (1) = NULL
                         , ...
                         , @parm_n CHAR (1) = NULL
          IF @parm_1 IS NOT NULL
            EXEC p_foo1 @parm_1
        --END IF
          IF @parm_2 IS NOT NULL
            EXEC p_foo2 @parm_2
            EXEC p_foo2 @parm_1, @parm_2
        --END IF
          {etc.}...the logic and conditions to be worked out based on requirements...

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Thought I had an example at hand, but can't put my finger on it at the moment.  However, the basic technique is as follows:

    If I need to send in a variable number of parameters, I could sent in a string as follows:


    I can than parse this string, using ',' as a delimiter, extracting each parameter and processing as required.


    Another possibility is to send the parameters in a string formated as XML.  You can than load and query the xml from within a stored proc to extract parameter name and parameter value.  Here is a code snippet which extracts a list of code objects which was sent to the proc as an XML formatted string in the variable called @tables.  I can than usethe #Objects table to process the list of objects

    DECLARE @idoc int

    -- Create an internal representation of the XML document.

    EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc OUTPUT, @tables

    -- Execute a SELECT statement using OPENXML rowset provider.

    insert into #Objects (objectname,fileversion,objtype)

    SELECT name,version,type

    FROM OPENXML (@idoc, '/request/object',1)

          WITH (name  varchar(100),

         version varchar(10)

         type varchar(10)


    EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @idoc


    Gordon Pollokoff

    "Wile E. is my reality, Bugs Bunny is my goal" - Chuck Jones

  • Hi Gordon,

    Two threads with similar topics.....

    I have achieved the same thing on numerous occaisions using a sproc I found on here many moons ago. Just create the sproc, give it a string to strip, tell it what the delimiter is, which table / column to put the results in end then process the results however you require.



          Takes in a list of values in a string, a delimiting character, a table name and a column name and seperates the values

      based around the delimiting character


      @vcList   - List of values, delimited by @vcDelimiter

      @vcDelimiter  - Delimiting character

      @TableName  - Name of Table to pass seperated values into

      @ColumnName  - Names of Column to pass seperated values into





    CREATE PROCEDURE [sprocListToTable]

     @vcList  VARCHAR(8000),

     @vcDelimiter VARCHAR(8000),

     @TableName   SYSNAME,

     @ColumnName SYSNAME



     DECLARE @iPosStart INT,

      @iPosEnd INT,

      @iLenDelim INT,

      @iExit  INT,

      @vcStr  varchar(8000),

      @vcSql  varchar(8000)

     SET @iPosStart = 1

     SET @iPosEnd = 1

     SET @iLenDelim = LEN(@vcDelimiter)

     SET @vcSql = 'INSERT ' + @TableName + ' (' + @ColumnName + ') VALUES ('''

     SET @iExit = 0

     WHILE @iExit = 0


      SET @iPosEnd = CHARINDEX(@vcDelimiter, @vcList, @iPosStart)

      IF @iPosEnd <= 0


       SET @iPosEnd = LEN(@vcList) + 1

       SET @iExit = 1


      SET @vcStr = SUBSTRING(@vcList, @iPosStart, @iPosEnd - @iPosStart)

      EXEC(@vcSql + @vcStr + ''')')

      SET @iPosStart = @iPosEnd + @iLenDelim


     RETURN 0



    Have fun


    We need men who can dream of things that never were.

  • Another option would be to build a table to hold the values for your parameter values and use that table in your procedure.  This method could help you avoid a lot of dynamic SQL and the number of values is basically limitless.

    Good luck!



  • Would you have some example code of this table thing?

  • Create procedure My_proc


    SELECT * FROM #TempTable


    CREATE #TempTable (

    Col001 int,

    Col001 nvarchar(50)


    INSERT INTO #TempTable

    SELECT (whatever)

    EXEC My_Proc

    DROP TABLE #TempTable

    Code for TallyGenerator

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