Dynamic Parameter Labels

  • Another challenge for you!

    Has anyone found a way to make Report Parameter Labels dynamic?

    Example we are creating global reports that need to be run in French, German, Russian, English, Japanese and Spanish.  Rather than write 7 reports we would like the report to be smart enough based on a user preference (stored in a table) to set the parameter labels in their preferred language.

    Column headings for the report area itself we've already worked through (see http://www.sqlservercentral.com/forums/shwmessage.aspx?forumid=8&messageid=319189 for some discussion)

    We're trying to look at the Custom Assemblies area to see if maybe that's our option, though we'ld really rather make it simpler.


    Ches Weldishofer

  • i know analysis services 2005 can be setup so that it will display data in the local language. might be worth checking if reports can also be setup in this way... rather than trying to change things programatically.

    Kindest Regards,


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